STAT test help

Anon Imperfect Mum

STAT test help

Hi IM,

I am trying to brush up on my general knowledge to sit the next STAT test in the hopes of studying Midwifery (in Melbourne). This will be my only entry when applying so the pressure is ON! So far I have completed both practice tests and last years GAT test (they are highly similar if not the same) and I haven't done well at all. The verbal components I am fine with but I am struggling big time with the quantative reasoning. On each multiple choice test I have come away with a measly avarage of 35/70, 90% of which (the incorrect) are quantative.

I've wanted to be a midwife since I was a little girl. In high school, I had never felt clever enough for maths and science so I stuck to what was safe, the arts, and didn't bother to try for what I really wanted. I left school in year 11 to work instead. Now in my 30's, determined to get into uni yet so far away from any previous school knowlage, this STAT is giving me serious nightmares! Algebra will quite literally be the death of me!! Even my husband who, is the cluiest man I know, was baffled by some of the questions *yikes*

So! Who here has been in a similar situation to me and how did you overcome it? Obviously the test isn't something you can exactly study for but what did you need to brush up on? How long did it take before you 'got it'? Did 'brushing up' benefit you on the day? If you scored low, how did that affect your chances?

Posted in:  Sisterhood Stories, Education

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