Sleezy dad at school.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Sleezy dad at school.

There is a dad at my kids school who is very creepy. Our kids started school together. He is a stay at home dad after he had been injured at work and his wife works long hours. He has over the years been sending messanger msgs that borderline on sleezy with a lot of sexual innuendo. He started with me and has sent the same sort of msgs to 4-5 other mums that I know of. Yesterday a friend of mine whos kid doesn't go to our school but knows him through the local footy club said she hadn't been on fb for years and signed in to look at market place for a friend of hers and as it must've shown on messenger she was connected within seconds he was sending her msgs saying things like how she can talk to him about anything she wants wink wink!
I really want to tell his wife who is a really lovely lady somehow about what a sleezy asshole her husband is. I feel sorry for her as I know there's atleast 10 ppl who know. What can we do to either stop him or warn her.

Posted in:  Life Lessons, Relationships & Marriage, Parenthood Guilt, Behaviour

4 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

Just tell him you need to stop talking to ME like this (unless others ask you to talk on their behalf) or else I will show your wife the content you’re sending me.

Anon Imperfect Mum

If you really feel she needs to know, tell her in person.
If I was in this situation and my husband was being a sleazy jerk, I would hope someone would respect me enough to come to me and talk face to face about it. I just think it would be so awful to be bombarded with screenshots via text.

If you don't feel you know her well enough to do that, you need to take it up with the husband. Actually, you all should take it up with him anyway! He needs to be told how innapropriate these types of messages are and that it makes people uneasy and uncomfortable.

I'd be tempted to block him quite honestly!

Anon Imperfect Mum

I’d call him out on it. Tell him he’s coming across as a sleaze and that all the mums are talking about it, and it’s only a matter of time before his missus gets wind of it.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Block him on social media, you dont have to say anything to him if you dont want.

Be careful approaching the wife, some people dont take news like this well.
