Potty training and antibiotics helps

Anon Imperfect Mum

Potty training and antibiotics helps

Toilet training

My daughter has all the signs of toilet training readiness. Since she started sitting on the potty, when it comes time to wee she freaks out and starts crying and screaming ouch. Even if I have her in a nappy she’s doing it. The doctor thinks vulvitis and possibly a uti but it is impossible to grab a clean sample of urine because she’s flat out refusing to do a wee. I have given up and just let her choose. Sometimes she chooses potty, sometimes she will hold on until she can’t anymore. I am not sure wether it could just be that she’s learned the sensation of weeing and isn’t sure how else to describe it other than ouch? Anyone have a similar experience? I am so lost and confused about the whole thing. She’s on antibiotics as a precaution but that’s also been difficult as she’s flat out refusing to take them and I literally have to hold her down to give them to her. She used to be good with taking medicine too. Any advice on wether it could just be a potty training thing and also a way to give antibiotics.

Posted in:  Behaviour, Baby & Toddler, Potty Training

9 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

If she is saying ouch, there is probably something wrong. Try putting a small clean plastic floating dish in the toilet when she wants to go on there and catch some that way, when my daughter was learning to use the toilet, she also had a problem with UTI and we had to get creative as to how to catch the wee to get a sample. If shes using a potty (like on the floor potty) steralise it in boiling water one morning and wait for the first time she uses it.

We tricked miss 4 by giving her a bottle of orange juice and then sneaking the medicine in her mouth followed by a bit of juice.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Thanks for the tip. I did this with ice cream last night. Will do it again today. It’s tough when they develop the ability to say no to medicine.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Thanks for the tip. I did this with ice cream last night. Will do it again today. It’s tough when they develop the ability to say no to medicine.

Anon Imperfect Mum

There are little bags you can get from the doctor, they stick onto their genitals, I used it with my son when he was little and when they wee it catches it. You really need a sample to ensure she is on the right antibiotics, my son was recently put on the wrong ones whilst we waited for results from the lab. It would be irresponsible to assume it is just potty training before ruling out a UTI, you really need to eliminate that first.

Anon Imperfect Mum

I’m definitely not ruling it out hence why she’s on antibiotics. The problem is that now that she’s started the antibiotics it means her urine sample is inaccurate so I can’t use it anyway. We’re just stopping toilet training and continuing the antibiotics for now. I don’t want to traumatise the poor thing. Hopefully when she wakes today she’ll be feeling better.

Anon Imperfect Mum

It’s so freaking hard when they are that age, I feel you. Maybe when this antibiotic is done, if she is still saying ouch, get the sample with the little bag. It could be as simple as she wiped a little hard, it’s so hard to tell. But I’m thinking, if she has no fever, she isn’t off her food or lethargic, it’s probably not a Uti. An untreated UTI, you are going to know, she will get pretty sick. Good luck, it gets easier when they are older and can explain things.

Anon Imperfect Mum

UTI's when toilet training girls I s quite common. My daughter had it too.

Anon Imperfect Mum

UPDATE: on day 4 of antibiotics and day 6 of cream, she’s no longer saying ouch when weeing. Sounds like a uti but with no symptoms other than pain when urinating. I’m glad the problem was sorted. We stopped potty training to help improve her comfort and not associate toilet training with pain.

Anon Imperfect Mum

So glad to hear that, must be a relief.
