Looking for a sea change, where do I start looking?

Anon Imperfect Mum

Looking for a sea change, where do I start looking?

We have been talking about a sea change for many years but now it's time to take action. We currently live in Victoria and are open to an interstate move. We're looking for somewhere that is safe, family friendly and has good employment opportunities and is affordable. (I know, asking a lot!). We're currently on 1 wage whilst our baby is little (hubby works in customer service). We have 2 other children, one in Primary School and one in Secondary school. We will be renting.
We were looking at Yeppoon in QLD, but many online reviews say crime is now high and the town is dirty. So opinions on towns and schools would be great.
Thank you.

Posted in:  Self Care, Things to do and see, Education, Money, FAQ

3 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

Not that employment levels are hugely great, but Tassie! So cheap and the opportunity to stay at home longer!

Anon Imperfect Mum

Cairns. If you're going to be on a budget, do it in the warm. Need less food, less clothing, less heating/cooling, less indoor paid activities. Plenty of work if you want it. Plenty to do with little ones for free. Moved here with kids 20 years ago and we've all loved it!
Edit: 2 bedroom townhouse in good area $280/wk; 3 bed 1 bath house in good area $300wk

Anon Imperfect Mum

I live in Yeppoon and moved here from Brisbane about 19 years ago. It is the most wonderful, friendly, lovely little town. It most certainly is not dirty. Crime increases as the population grows but it’s not an unsafe place. Ive never felt concern about my safety here. I’m very happy here. It truly is an ideal place to live and to bring up my child. I love it here and don’t intend on leaving anytime soon. I think you need to visit to find out for yourself
