
Anon Imperfect Mum


Hi I’m after some advice about moving 4 hours away. My partner works away for work which is 4 hours away, he comes home most weekends he rents a house there and I rent a house here (Sydney $400) he can’t change his job as he is quite high up in his work place. Where he is he will be for the next year. Iv got a job which I hate I work long hours my mum take my son to and from school I get home at 6;40pm every night. Life is hard I can’t afford to live by myself anymore. My partner gives me money when I need it but is having 2 separate houses is bloody expensive.I’m thinking of moving to where my partner is he’s a great to my son we want to start trying for a baby also. My son really really doesn’t want to move away he loves his school he’s 8 he is well liked at school lots of friends he absolutely loves it. He is the only reason we are still here because I feel bad about changing his school. But I miss us being a family unit. My getting swolled by debut. If we move it could be for 1 year or have the potential to stay for many years. It just depends on my partners work. Do I just move and my son will adjust or am I being selfish?

Posted in:  Relationships & Marriage, Education

4 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

If hes well liked at his school chances are he will be well liked at a new school too.
Change is hard for everyone but if you are serious about this man then living seperately is crazy. But keep in mind things like not having your mum for baby sitting and is there work there for you?

Anon Imperfect Mum

Sorry should have said we’ve been together for 5 years. Lived together before he had to go away for work. I’m not worried about finding a job as I’m not picky. Thanks for the advice too

Anon Imperfect Mum

Just go honey. He’s 8. He will adjust before you know. If mumma ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy

Anon Imperfect Mum

Despite my kids reservations at first (16,15, 8) about moving to be with my husband they came round and by the time move day arrived they were excited (still a little unsure). Since we have moved all have adjusted really well and loving where we are. We too have moved away from our support network and we are coping just fine. Some days are harder than others but you get through. Kids adjust better than we give them credit for. Go for it he will make friends easy enough.
