Pregnancy issues


Pregnancy issues

I am 33 weeks pregnant with bubba #3 and to be honest this is my most testing pregnancy.
I have been for so many extra scans I’ve lost count
But long story short, I am being monitored for high blood pressure which has been up the entire pregnancy but not high enough to start medication. Just monitored. Bub is measuring in the 98th percentile, there is too much amniotic fluid around Bub, and at my scan last week they are now concerned about the blood flow through bubs heart and brain which is in the normal range but at the low end.
Next week I have to go for a tertiary scan and see more specialised doctors at a bigger hospital, but in the meantime, my mind is going a million miles an hour with the possibilities of what the final outcome could be.
Just wondering if any others have had similar circumstances. Just needing a little reassurance

Posted in:  Pregnancy

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