Hi all, why do I continually feel like I should have a 4th baby? Has anyone felt like this and then had a 4th? I don’t know why I constantly feel this way, when I’m trying so hard not to. Does the feeling ever go away? Pls tell me it does.
Hi all, why do I continually feel like I should have a 4th baby? Has anyone felt like this and then had a 4th? I don’t know why I constantly feel this way, when I’m trying so hard not to. Does the feeling ever go away? Pls tell me it does.
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5 Replies
I was just about to ask this same question. I have two beautiful children and I have over the last year had this feeling that I need to have another child. I’m a single working mum. I’m extremely good friends with my children’s father and he would happily have another one with/for me. I just can’t dam well shake this extreme need. I also have weight problems stopping me from having another child.
That feeling stopped when my youngest was old enough now to be much easier and we started doing family things a baby would make hard again
That's kind of how I felt too, I had 3 close together and by the time my youngest was sleeping through the night and wiping her own butt I felt like I came out of a huge fog and suddenly everything was so much easier and more enjoyable.
I shuddered at the thought of going through that again, she's 8 now and the thought of having a 4th crosses my mind now and again, that can't happen for a few reasons which is a bit sad but it also allows me to focus on the 3 I have.
It's a bit of a double edged sword I suppose but you just have to make a choice and live with it!
If your health, fertility, finances, stability, mental/emotional capacity and your spouse also wants to have a 4th, why can't you go and have that baby??
If one or more of those issues are what's stopping you, the feelings of wanting another never really go away they just learn to live harmoniously alongside the acceptance of being done. It can be a little sad sometimes but it gets easier!
From an evolutionary perspective, you may never rid yourself of those feelings.
100 years ago we were still losing babies and young children to diseases which we now control by vaccines.
Parents would have many children in the hopes that a few would live to adulthood.
I suggest that you have as many children as you can handle. If you can handle another, go for it.
Some people don't think they can handle 1 child, and that's ok too.
Good luck 😘