So my partner and I have been trying to have a baby for just under 12 months. I have an appointment with a gyno because in September I was diagnosed with PCOS and I haven’t had a period for over 100 days.
We have decided that we will only keep trying until July next year when we get married because we don’t want to put our whole life on hold for the off chance we might get another baby.
Our child now turns 4 in December and we are thankful to have him. As much as we would love to expand our family I know I wouldn’t be able to cope with the heart ache of years of trying.
If we don’t have a baby we will travel and show our son the wonders of people and countries around the world. And even though we still have 7 months of trying I feel good having plans and knowing we have a life planned even if we don’t get what we want.
I worry that if we don’t get another child about the comments we will get from people asking when we are giving him a sibling? Or why we haven’t had another baby when we want another? It’s just not something I want to have to deal with and don’t think I could deal with it with much grace or kindness. I feel guilty about the possibility of not being able to give him a sibling because I know how wonderful he would be as a big brother.
I’m just expressing some frustrations.
4 Replies
Don’t give up. I have the same condition. It took a few years with our daughter and then when we decided to go back and try again, it took a while again. Hang in there if you really want it, when it’s meant to happen it will.
Don't give up. I have pcos and after 3 failed ivf rounds we fell pregnant naturally. We are about to start trying for number 2. I have started metformin to help ovulation. See a gyno
Adopt a baby who needs a home
I have pcos and seem to be fertile once a year ;) I have 3 babies and all are within two weeks of each other in JUNE !
Maybe try to do the things you’re talking about - explore , travel experience and get married ! Do all these things and just don’t try not to conceive (ie no contraception ) enjoy your family as you are and hopfully your miracle will come ! Change your plans or what needs to change when that happens but Like u said if not then u have lived in the meantime xox
Best of luck !!