How do I know if it's exhaustion, or something more?

Anon Imperfect Mum

How do I know if it's exhaustion, or something more?

Hi Mummas. How do you know if you're just plain exhausted or it's something else? I go to bed every night full of regret that I didn't do more with my kids, go somewhere fun with them, make the effort to take them out and vow that tomorrow will be a new day, new me. But, I wake up and take my 7yo to school then head home full of excuses to my 5yo and 2.5yo, as to why we can't go somewhere today. It's usually something useless like "It's too hot / cold / wet" I've even told my daughter the park was closed, because I didn't have the energy / motivation (couldn't be bothered) to take them there. I've only been like this since my last one was born. Before that, when I only had 2 kids, we were always going places, playgroup / swimming lessons / friends places. Now, I've cancelled swimming, we don't go to play group and I can't remember the last time we caught up with friends. My 5yo is off to school next year and I really want to savour / make the most of these last weeks. But, I can't motivate myself to get my ass into gear in the mornings, then spend the day at home doing nothing exciting, then go to bed full of regret about another day wasted. I can't motivate myself and break this cycle :-( Please help!! :-) xx

Posted in:  Parenthood Guilt

5 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

Go to the GP and find out! If no medical reason - could it be your depressed and need to see someone?

Anon Imperfect Mum

I was the same but I only have one but my son is autistic and he has adhd but I had my son in preschool 2 days a week and we done swimming lessons and that was in then he started kindergarten back in 2016 (my son is 8 and now in year 2) and I was feeling tried all the time when he started school then last year I finally went to the doctors about it and found out that I was becoming insulin resistant the doctor said the only thing that was stopping me from becoming diabeteic was the fact I was playing soccer (first year back since I played a season since I was a kid ) and that I should keep it up as it was helping keep it away I was only playing half to just over half a game last year but this year I found that I was playing a full game (80 minutes for a full game) but that was helping and now my partner won’t let me give it up as he finds it’s getting me out of the house meeting new people and helping to get rid of my medicatal problems and when I get every chance I get when I have the money I take my son out to places like Luna park (as I’m 1 hour and 30 minutes by car and 2hour 30 minutes but train out of Sydney) or to manly beach even though we have beach’s near us but I take my son to all his those fun places I went as a kid maybe do stuff like that we Th ur kids

Anon Imperfect Mum

I was the same but I only have one but my son is autistic and he has adhd but I had my son in preschool 2 days a week and we done swimming lessons and that was in then he started kindergarten back in 2016 (my son is 8 and now in year 2) and I was feeling tried all the time when he started school then last year I finally went to the doctors about it and found out that I was becoming insulin resistant the doctor said the only thing that was stopping me from becoming diabeteic was the fact I was playing soccer (first year back since I played a season since I was a kid ) and that I should keep it up as it was helping keep it away I was only playing half to just over half a game last year but this year I found that I was playing a full game (80 minutes for a full game) but that was helping and now my partner won’t let me give it up as he finds it’s getting me out of the house meeting new people and helping to get rid of my medicatal problems and when I get every chance I get when I have the money I take my son out to places like Luna park (as I’m 1 hour and 30 minutes by car and 2hour 30 minutes but train out of Sydney) or to manly beach even though we have beach’s near us but I take my son to all his those fun places I went as a kid maybe do stuff like that we Th ur kids

Anon Imperfect Mum


Anon Imperfect Mum

I could have written this ! Same age kids and all . Having 3 young ones is HARD don’t beat yourself up for that !! The truth is the expectations put on us as mums to be all and do so much for and with our kids is unrealistic and unfair !! Yes it’s lovely to go out and do stuff and yes it’s important to spend time with them but it does not have to be EVERY day !!!! The pressure of that alone is exhausting not to mention the need to also micro manage everyone and or work on top . I don’t have any extended family help either so that gets tricky !
What I’m learning and terrible at mind you , is that self care is really important ! You NEED rest too and your kids don’t NEED to do something h special everyday !! Play at home ! Oe better yet let them get involved in what your doing and make games out of it , maybe try to connect with another mum with same age kids so u can arrange play dates let the kids play while u hang out (some mummy time too ) , ask for help from extended family to have them for an hour or even let them go to the park for a while with them so u can recharge .... I now have my youngest in childcare 1 Day a week so I can get some work done and I’m trying to also fit some me time in that day , my 5yo goes 2 days but that’s just cos I have no extended family near by .
But if your not feeling depressed just flat and tired I would say that’s just it .. your f’n tired and your doing best and guess what mumma your best is ok ! And it’s enough !!! Your children are OK because you are meeting their needs ! The park is not a necessity !! Your sanity and your mental health is !! Cut yourself some slack ! Kick your feet up and pat yourself on the back fro being home with them , loving them and meeting their needs !!!! Your a rock star !! 😊😜 you got this and your doing your best
