Missing period.


Missing period.

Ok, so I know I should know all the answers to this seeing as I'm a mum of 3+ but.. my last menstrual period was on October 9th. I had sex using protection on the 28th of October, had some weird brown spotting on and off when I wiped between the 30th and 3rd of November, had some brown bleeding between the 3rd and 5th that I assumed was my period starting early as I was due the 5th but it never really became a proper period. I had bloods done on the 12th or 13th which was negative but the Dr was concerned it was too early even though I was over a week late it had been approx 2 weeks since intercourse. I then got brown bleeding between the 18h and 20th, and again it never became a proper period so I wasnt sure what to think and just figured it was a weird late thing and that I'd get my period normal now that I'd had 2 half periods. Well I was due the 2nd of December and nothing. I am an emotional mess, I am having symptoms of pregnancy but not sure of it's that or a build up of hormones because I am overdue for a normal period? I have been under quite a lot of stress and my best friend keeps telling me that's what is wrong with me but I just dont know. Do I test again or wait until the 15th when I would be due if the second bleed was my period? I'm so confused.

Can anyone who has either had their periods stop from stress shed some light here? Or maybe anyone that has had abnormal bleeding in early pregnancy and not tested positive for awhile share their experiences? I have had regular periods with no change since getting my period and everything has been normal since my youngest was born 4 years ago so I am at a loss. I will obviously go see a Dr if nothing happens by the 15th, I guess I'm just looking for reassurance that I'm not crazy?

Posted in:  Pregnancy

4 Replies


Just buy a pregnancy test?


I have always had regular 30 day periods to the point of at a specific time it comes without fail. I had a month of no period but brown blood in very small amounts.. that month I didn’t ovulate (IVF clinic confirmed) and it was due to that. It has happened a few times here and there since !!


Go to the supermarket and buy a pregnancy test.


No one can answer these personal am I pregnant stories . Your body’s dynamics are yours alone and instead of rushing off getting constantly tested for a baby just wait a while . People skip periods for all sorts of reasons , it can happen to anyone . Finding a reason for it isn’t akways so black and white . You’re focussing way too hard too soon , just let your body do it’s things and relax as stress can also result in skipped periods . When was your last Pap smear ? You could even be entering pre menopause depending how old you are . Otherwise sounds to me like you’ve just skipped a period . Don’t focus so much on it this soon .
