No period after tubal ligation


No period after tubal ligation

I had my tubes fully removed (Not just clamped) after my last baby 6 months ago. I’m not breastfeeding so my periods returned to normal pretty much within 6 weeks of delivery (c-section) and have been coming every 30 days on the money until this month. I’m 14 days overdue and wondering why that might be and if any ladies might have experienced this? And what could be the cause. I feel crampy, like it’s going to show but it doesn’t. No spotting. Nothing.
I’m visiting the doctor Tuesday, it’s the earliest I could get in but was wondering if anyone had any insight until then??

Posted in:  Health & Wellbeing, Pregnancy

1 Replies


I had this happen to me and definitely wasn’t pregnant as haven’t been with a man in 5 years my doctor said sometimes it happens mine came after 18 days late I had some tests done everything was fine so had no explanation but have to keep an eye on it coming next month
