Fractured collarbone

Anon Imperfect Mum

Fractured collarbone

Need help guys I'm struggling.. My 2 year old son has fractured his collarbone. Doctors have given him a sling to wear. But theres a no way I cant get it on him - I have forced / bribed / put it on myself to show it doesnt hurt etc - but nothing is working. He is not in pain. Only if he does something incorrectly and quickly realises he cant do it that way. He has more comfort just supporting it himself my dropping his shoulder and not using it that much then me trying to fight him to put the sling on.
Any suggestions???? I dont know what else to do.

Posted in:  Parenthood Guilt, Baby & Toddler, Kids

4 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

Did you buy the ready made one from the chemist or is it just a sling the hospital put together.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Already made one. Trying to get him to put it on is the problem. I've tryed everything. I'm out of ideas

Anon Imperfect Mum

Omg! You poor thing! Both of you! I can imagine in my mind the battle of wills you have at the moment... 2 year olds can be pretty determine.

Can you try put it on him before he wakes up in the morning? Or while he is distracted with tv, food, playing iPad? Maybe even ask someone else to try put it on if you have someone?

Sorry I haven't got much lol I'm sure you have tried everything. My daughter dislocated her shoulder when she was a bit younger then your son, they said for her to wear a sling too put she would get so distressed and try ripping it off constantly. The doctor said I could leave it off if she wasn't bothered or in pain as she could do more damage trying to rip it off and struggling (like I'd put her in a straight jacket not a sling)... I don't want to give you bad advice and i wouldn't leave it off without consulting a doctor.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Speak to the fracture clinic or where ever you had it diagnosed - ask if it's worth worrying about, and if so, do they have any tips?!

The fracture is more than likely a greenstick fracture at that age (being more like an incomplete fracture, like when you try to break a twig just off a tree, it will still be green and will not break cleanly - hope that makes sense!) and treatment might be more flexible/open to interpretation than a clean break.

My daughter did hers at 5yo. Getting her to wear the sling was also hard work, but she was more open to reasoning!
