Baby in breech position 35 weeks


Baby in breech position 35 weeks

Just sort of looking for opinions, experiences, I'm 35 weeks pregnant with number 3, in the last 2 weeks I've had huge amounts of pressure on my pelvis and pressure on what feels like my bum sorry Tmi.. So, I went to doctor and she said she thought baby was head down and almost engaging, sent me for a scan and baby is in breech position, now my other 2 pregnancies were completely fine no speed bumps, the lady at ultrasound said that baby may still move as I'm only 35 weeks, but I'm actually sorta starting to freak out I go back to GP on thursday (midwives appts are booked I'd usually see them not gp). what if bub doesnt change position, what happens then?
What are the odds of bubs staying breech? The thought of a c- section f#@^ing terrifies me, more than vaginal birth lol. Dont know my question exactly.. just after thoughts or experiences

Posted in:  Pregnancy

5 Replies


With each pregnancy they say baby turns later on. But look at exercises to turn bubs :)

C section is a piece of cake though ! Don’t be scared


I was breach at 38 weeks with no. 3, they booked me in for a procedure to manually turn baby, although that ended up unnecessary as bub turned beforehand.
Went on to have a textbook vaginal birth.


Babies can still move around a lot at this stage. My son was engaged one week, and breach the next, that went on for a few weeks.
Then had a vaginal birth.
Even then a c-section is no big deal.


My little one was breach up until 38 weeks too, moved a day before I was due to have the manual maneovre. Plenty of time. I was given the choice of an elective c section (at my local hospital) or having a vaginal birth at Randwick women’s (they specialise in breech vaginal births)


My mate had 2 breech babies and she birthed them both naturally with no pain relief it wasn’t easy but she did it and you can do it too (if baby doesn’t turn)
