Hi All,
I am having my first born later this year and am wondering about birthing options.
I would like to know the pros and cons for natural and c-section as I would like c-section but am worried about the healing process and if I’m to have natural I wanted a water birth. Just wanted to hear about your personal experiences as I’m a little lost on what my decision will be.
Thank you all!
10 Replies
Absolutely LOVED my c-section, best option for my situation and the recovery was not at all like they make it out (being planned). My body didn't go into labour naturally so I wasn't physically exhausted, I was able to breastfeed easily, the pain was non existent (took a few Endone the first 2 days then that was it), bleeding VERY minimal, and we were back in the sack after a week.
However, I mourned that I didn't have a natural LABOUR (I don't care how it comes out), I just wish I experienced contractions and knew my baby was ready to be born, as he came early thanks to the elective c-section. Whilst it wasn't hard to bond as such, I found myself thinking about things too much like was he behind because he came early? Is he sick because he was born early? All that kind of stuff and guilting myself.
I have never had a c-section so I can't speak for that specifically but I have had major abdominal surgery (which is what a c section is) and I've had 3 vaginal births.
I can honestly say I would never opt for a c section unless it was medically necessary only because my birth recoveries were super speedy (surgery recovery was extensive) and my labors/deliveries all went text book smoothly (aside from all being induced at 42 weeks).
You really need to do what is right for you though.
It would be best to discuss your options with your doctor or midwife. Is there a reason why you would prefer a c section? Personally Ive opted for natural births for all 3 babies - I went into each labour with an open mind as to what would happen, hoping to go natural but willing to follow my instincts and advice from the midwives. 1st and 3rd baby ended up having gas, 2nd baby came drug free. I was fortunate not to have any tearing and recovery was days rather than weeks like my friends who have cesarions. If you're wanting a water birth you will need to check if your hospital offers that option and what the criteria is
I’ve had both. My natural birth recovery was much nicer than my c-section births and I wish I could go back for a natural but after 3 c-sections they don’t recommend it. Takes weeks to heal, if you drive too soon you’re not covered by your insurance until you get the medical all clear from your doctor so if you have an accident you’ll have huge excess/costs even if it’s not your fault. Standing up and sitting/lying down for the first few weeks hurts so much. Breast feeding is a struggle because of how you hold bubs, you’ll need pain medication for a few weeks which will make bubs drowsy and super sleepy all the time. If it’s not medically necessary avoid it at all costs. That’s just my advice. You may find you like being able to do barely anything for the first few weeks of babies life and relying on absolutely every one but yourself to do even the simplest of things. It’s not something I enjoyed. I just wanted to enjoy my babies but didn’t enjoy them as much until the pain went away and I didn’t need meds any more.
My csections were hard. The procedure and the healing process. But I never had vaginal so I can’t compare.
Do you plan on having more children? I think this is something to consider? It’s much easier to achieve an elective csection after a vaginal birth then it is to go VBAC if you elect a csection now and regret it or decide you want to try vaginal? A lot more risk of rupturing a scar if you try natural after csection if you have scar tissue ect
My 2 natural births were traumatic, all my plans went out the window. As long as the labour’s were it all seemed to be a blur and go so quick. My 3rd was a cesarean at obstetricians orders. It was quick and for the safety of me and my baby it put my mind at ease knowing bubs and I were in the best hands and would be out in no time. I must say the recovery with my 2 natural births were way longer than my ceserean. First recover 15 weeks for natural and 2nd around 7-8 weeks. As traumatic and messy as the natural births were they were amazingly beautiful and if I could have with the 3rd had naturally I would have. Please only consider c section is it’s for medical reasons. If not, you are a first time mum, enjoy every moment it’s such an amazing experience giving birth. If you are concerned have an epidural, it does wonders.
I’ve have 4 x natural births and I walked from birth suite to the maternity ward. Even after an episiotomy with my first born.
Yes sore for a bit but nothing compared to my sister who had to have a c-section.
So many mums are worked up about how to birth and they forget that before modern medicine, 1 in 3 resulted in death. (Not joking)
I chose to go with the flow. Natural refused to happen so it ended up as a c-section. I recovered fast however doctors acknowledged that it was rare to see someone heal that quickly.
Every birth is different. Just as every person is different and their tolerance for pain, drugs, positions to birth in is different.
I've had two natural births- one in water and one on a bed- and both were different and had pro's and cons to each.
Best thing i did was go in with an open mind.
Do not opt for a c/section electively! It is major abdominal surgery with increased risks & increased recovery time. It is a procedure which should only be done if absolutely necessary, plan for a natural birth until the circumstances change & book into a hospital that supports water birth if that’s what you’re after - this does limit your choices. Once you have had a c-section (depending on the true reasons for ending up with one) you will have to fight for your option to deliver naturally in subsequent pregnancies so don’t lose that chance first time around unless it’s for safety! A natural birth is a beautiful thing, try a calm birth class if you feel you need to understand it further & good luck!!