The Damage of DV

Anon Imperfect Mum

The Damage of DV

If I dicribed my relationship to you, its DV! I am consistently threatened, I’m spoken to like shit, when it appears that they aren’t getting their way sometimes they threaten their own life if not mine to get what they want, I’m black mailed on a regular basis, consistently lied too, the list goes on. I’ve been in councilling, he’s been in councilling, I’m at a loss as to what to do! Now at this point I can see many of you stating to leave, you don’t need to live like this, and this would be true and I did leave, I got to such a low point that I didn’t care if he killed me for leaving (as always threaten) anything would be better than staying. Spent years in councilling, to try and get over what my ex did. . . But it was too late, too late for my son who witnessed all the DV going on, he is now almost 12. I’ve been out of the relationship with his father since he was 5, we’ve both done councilling since then, we’ve done separate councilling and councilling together. . . My son has turned out to be just like his dad, I feel like a failure, I’ve done everything to try and make him see what his dad did was wrong, but he doesn’t care, he want to be just like him. I feel like I’m still stuck in that nasty DV cycle, it’s honestly like living with his dad. . . I’m so lost

Posted in:  Life Lessons, Relationships & Marriage, Parenthood Guilt, Behaviour

1 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

Keep him in counselling and get him into anger management and into sport. It is not too late and you haven't failed. Sometimes when you have suffered from the impact of DV you can be easily triggered by any form of outburst by another person...even a temper tantrum from a 12 year old.
If he is threatening his life, its not a matter to take lightly, has he been to a GP for a mental health assessment? Maybe even consider a psychiatrist.
I'm going to recommend getting in contact with CAHMS and/or headspace. Please look into both. Dont give up. Hes still only a child. And dont be so hard on yourself. You have done good to get out of there mumma! Xx
