Want another child

Anon Imperfect Mum

Want another child

I'm 26 with a 3 and a half year old.
I've always wanted 3 kids maybe 4 to have that big family.
Im single now. My daughter doesn't know her dad. I've had 2 partners now both abusive, and cheaters.
I know I'm young but my daughter is only getting older and I really want her to have a sibling. She doesn't have any cousins either. She would make the best big sister. She's so kind and gentle and more baby obsessed than me. I was one of 4 with 13 cousins who we all still talk with.
I'm not going to find any one any time soon either. I just can't trust men and I'm happy by my self.
I feel like she's missing out. I'm so clucky and just really really want another baby.
Help. What should I do. I've been thinking of IVF lately. Anyone else in the same boat?

Posted in:  Relationships & Marriage, Mental Health, Sisterhood Stories, Parenthood Guilt, Pregnancy

6 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

I thought about it. But after reading some sperm donor babies stories I decided it wasn’t for me.

Anon Imperfect Mum

If this is who I think it is, I think it’s a really bad idea.
Can you ever just be?
Not be chasing a man, not moving, not be wanting another child, but just sit and smell the roses and enjoy life for a while.
Enjoy your little girl, consider all she has been through in her short life.
Your ups and downs would most certainly have effected her.
Why don’t you work on you, your issues, the damage from your two dv relationships, maybe some training for better employment prospects and most of all give some stability/consistency to your little girl.
No more big changes for a while, you’ve jut moved, get into a routine, get yourself set up, build a great life for yourselves.
Good luck, you have plenty of time to have more babies.
If it isn’t who I think it is, apologies.

Anon Imperfect Mum

You have had so much happen with two DV relationships. At only 26 you have plenty of time to have more babies in the future. Enjoy your little 3 year old. Shes so little still.

I also want to add, to be careful that your emotional want for another baby doesn't cloud your judgement when you meet the next man and you find yourself pregnant in a 3rd DV relastionship.
Its easy to get swept away when someone makes lots of promises but look for red flags. All the best to your furture. Enjoy your baby you have and all that comes with this next stage of parenthood with preschool then primary school. Its lots of fun!

Anon Imperfect Mum

IVF costs tens of thousands of dollats.. with under a 20% chance of working... and that first time an even lower percentage. The hormones you have to take raises your chances of breast, cervical and ovarian cancer!
I tried it. The company started of saying it'll only cost ... after I paid that, here's another bill of only.. Then it kept going. Started at 9000, ended up at about 15000.. and no baby.
I don't recommend IVF to anyone.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Just be content with your life!
If you don't have a partner, don't have another baby.

If you're unemployed or on benefits, don't have another baby.

Your daughter can want a sibling all she likes, but it's never a good enough reason to have another child.

You've got up to 20 years still, to have another child, you shouldn't even be thinking about another kid.

And also, having a sibling means NOTHING! It does not mean your daughter is missing out.
I have 5 siblings and hardly any of us talk. Large families aren't all they're cut out to be, especially if you're a single mother.

Most 3 year olds are kind and gentle and love babies, but the second you conceive, they turn in to demons who want to destroy other kids and their sibling 😂 it's mother natures joke for getting us to procreate.

Work on giving yourself and your daughter the life you both dream of, then if a man shows up,you're set.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Sperm donation Australia. Check out their Fb page. Good luck.
