
Anon Imperfect Mum


Our son is almost 9 and not quite at puberty stage but I know within the next year or 2 there will soon to be changes. At the moment I'm looking for some good age appropriate books and recourses that can help our son understand his body. Unfortunately today at school he thought it would be fun to smack a girls bum, my husband and I explained to him that it's not okay to touch someone else's body and that we need to respect others and ourselves. So I'm also after books and recourses that are age appropriate to explain about personal space and what touching is/is not okay.
Sue to my parents being extremely religious I myself didn't really receive any kind of talk or information so I'm feeling a bit lost and overwhelmed so any help will be appreciated.

Posted in:  Education, Behaviour, Kids

2 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

"What is Consent? why is it important? and other big questions" by Louise Spilsbury and Yas Necati

Anon Imperfect Mum

"the amazing true story of how babies are made" by Fiona Katauskas
