Shuttles method


Shuttles method

Has anybody used the shuttles method and conceived the sex that they were hoping for?

Posted in:  Pregnancy

2 Replies


Honestly, these “methods” are ridiculous. You have 50% chance of either sex, 1 in 2. Aka, a bloody high chance of either sex. If we were speaking of say 4-5 gender options then you could say yeah a method is successful but the fact it’s such a high chance of one or the other (well a given), there’s no way to prove these successful


We tried the Shettles method for #3, already had 2 girls, hoping for a boy. But didn’t use an ovulation kit to track my ovulation. Ended up with a girl.
#4 we tried again for a boy but this time used an ovulation kit and only had unprotected sex on ovulation day. Ended up with our boy on the first go.

Each kid was very much wanted, I gave hubby a 3 month window to try for the boy after that we were just going to try like normal, turns out I’m very fertile.

My doc says I was just lucky, but I can’t help that think it might have had something to do with it.
