Daughters photo being published in news letter

Anon Imperfect Mum

Daughters photo being published in news letter

I love my daughters day care. They support me in so much. And my daughter and her behavioral needs.
When I enrolled i signed papers to say no photos of her it's fine if they take them and send them personally to me, but i don't want any sent out or put up in the center.
The town i live in is really small. Every one knows everyone. My daughter has a crazy dad him and hid family live here too. He has never meet her. There are no legal custody agreements or anything (that's a whole nother story) I signed these papers for a reason as any one that knows me will know him. There are people in the school that know him and his partner. So I'd hate for him to find out she goes here I wouldn't put it past him to stalk by or even be stupid enough to try and pick her up.
I've informed the center of all this. They have a photo and his name.
A few months ago they posted a photo of her on Facebook. I was a mess. I emailed and rang them and they took it down.
Last week a news letter was emailed to all parents my daughter having the main photo! This week it happened again. I have emailed again tonight threatening legal action. But I'm not sure what to really be doing.
I'm a complete reck. I feel like I might have to move her. But she's so happy there and she has bad social skills so this will be be huge for her its taken her months to only just settle in.

Posted in:  Mental Health, Self Care, Parenthood Guilt, Behaviour

4 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

Thats really upsetting, can you make a formal complaint and ask for an explanation why this keeps happening? Maybe they need to change the way they do it.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Organise a meeting with the director immediately, tell them you want a copy of the forms you signed saying not to release her photos and then you would also like a written explanation why they have done this now on three occasions.

They’re completely disrespecting you!

Anon Imperfect Mum

Oh god, I'm actually really angry for you. I used to work in childcare, this is such a no - no!
Once may be an accidental oversight, but its still not acceptable. Doing it a further 2nd and 3rd time... unbelievable!!

I actually would move her and take legal action, this is complete negligence and incompetence on their part, that may sound dramatic to some but this is actually quite a serious safety concern and they're breaking the law by sharing pictures of your child to their media outlets without your permission.

It makes you wonder in what other ways they're jeopardizing children's safety if they can't or won't take this issue seriously!

Good luck Hun (and don't let anyone tell you you're over reacting - you are well within your rights to be angry).

Anon Imperfect Mum

If they can't get something as basic as this right I would be pulling my child out of the centre.
