Back to study, how to retain information

Anon Imperfect Mum

Back to study, how to retain information

I have recently started studying towards my Chartered Accounting qualification. When i did my degree i was about 7 years younger, no children and working in hospo which didn't require a lot of brain power after doing it for 10yrs. Now i am a mum to a 4yr old with no partner support during the week, and i work full time in an accounting position that is pretty demanding. I am exhausted when i get home. I exercise early morning before i go to work as i need that for myself. When i get home i have to cook do dishes washing bathtime playtime read stories etc all the day to day stuff. I try to study after all of this but it seems like it goes in one ear and out the other. I am meant to do 10 hours a week which doesnt sound like much but i am struggling to find the spare time. I also don't want to sacrifice too much time with my daughter as i already feel i hardley see her. Is anyone in the same position? How do you retain the info in your head ? I have failed my 1st exam which is worth $1500 and cannot afford to do that again! I have never failed anything in my life before this and it has really got me down. Any advice would be much appreciated please.

Posted in:  Education

3 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

Have you considered/can you afford to outsource some of the household stuff?? Eg washing, cleaning any yard or outdoor maintenance? Also maybe consider meal prepping on weekends so midweek it's an easy cook or reheat?? Please don't give up your exercise and time with your daughter and also don't put too much pressure on yourself- I too am a person you has mostly succeeded in my studies so I understand how that first failure feels but I look back on it now as a positive as it gave me a new perspective on failure and also I learnt how to cope with it and move forward which has become very useful to not just myself but my children! Good luck!!

Anon Imperfect Mum

Something has to give as that is way too much for around 14 hours in a day. Cooking dishes cleaning etc can be outsourced. Or Maybe having an au pair just to help you get through this time? I believe there are cafes/ cooking companies that do bulk cook ups you can freeze? Slow cooker maybe your friend? Check out healthy mummy’s on line - they have some amazing bulk freeezer cooking receipes. If it was me I could not study with so much to do. Our company gives study leave for those doing training relevant to their role - maybe something to look at?

Anon Imperfect Mum

I completed my Chartered Accounting qualification about 3 years ago and it was bloody tough. I started when my youngest child was only 6 months old and my older two children were 2 and 4, i also worked 4 days a week in an accounting firm so i understand your struggles. I didnt even try to study during the week as i was too exhausted after work and all the other daily activities. The only way i was able to study was i spent one whole day each weekend away from the house (and kids) and tried to cram it all in the one day. I would spend about 8 hours studying. Not every study day was successful and there were a few days i would almost fall asleep reading the topics.
Regarding the topics, if the exams are still the same they will be open book so dont try and memorise everything. Highlight and tag important pages and pieces of information. Its more important that you understand the main concepts and then know where to find the information. Even if you dont do all the readings, try and attempt as many activities as you can.
Dont be too hard on yourself you will get there and find a way that works for you. Unfortunately it will take sacrifices and you will need to put other things aside to get it done including time with your daughter but it will be worth it in the long time. Good luck!
