Possible diagnosis

Anon Imperfect Mum

Possible diagnosis

I’ve been having some concerns with my son for a few months but finally asked his daycare about him and they have concerns too. I’m so disappointed in my self for not doing anything sooner but I’ve made an appointment to get a referral. The concerns are he is very intense when doing a task and gets angry when told time is up. At home he likes things a certain way lined up, sorted to colours etc He socially has no boundaries and gets in peoples faces. Also will not do a task if he isn’t interested but changes what his interests are. He has so much energy, seriously doesn’t stop from wake up till bedtime. It’s hard to calm him down. But he has so much kindness for everyone is very friendly to everyone and affectionate. He is learning so well and picking things up so quickly.
Question is, does this sound like your child? What’s your experiences with doctors /pedestrian? He is just taking a new liquid iron as he is a terrible eater (that’s a whole other issue) anything else natural he was take?

Posted in:  Parenthood Guilt, Behaviour, Kids, Aspergers & Autism

4 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

The traits sound like ASD, similar to my son (mine doesn't line toys up) it may also be ADHD, however every child is different so you can't assume it's anything.
You really need the testing to know for sure as there's a lot to consider.

For the time problem, give multiple warnings and a direction, e.g. 'ten minutes then finish for dinner', five minutes, etc. If need be use a timer he can see. Don't just say 'time's up'.

Get the test done, and be on the negative side in your responses. This will help get a diagnosis & if necessary help get you on the NDIS for therapies.

Anon Imperfect Mum

He sounds a lot like a friend of mines son and he has asd and adhd and they have found the have to word things specifically or he will work a loophole for what he DOES NOT want to do and will be very upset if he cannot finish something. I would like to add for the being upset when he can't finish a task - dont tell him 'we are going to do a puzzle today' instead tell him 'we are going to START a puzzle today' or 'you can start a puzzle until it is lunch time'. Its about the correct wording of the sentence so as to not imply he will be completing what he has started straight away. At home you could tell him he can leave his puzzle/whatever to have lunch/nap/whatever where it is and he can work on it after xyz is done (you could see if this is possible at daycare, some centres allow children to put their unfinished things on a shelf so they can come back to them later)

Anon Imperfect Mum

Sounds like ADHD/ASD but always hard to tell at that age as they are developing so much. Don’t beat yourself up, you are doing something now and that’s important. I think a Paediatrician is the first step.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Follow the FB group Advanced TRS- a safe Heavy Metal Detox you can observe peoples stories of their children healing
