Unhealthy relationship with food


Unhealthy relationship with food

For as long as I can remember I've had an unhealthy relationship with food.
Started in childhood, I was raised by a single parent who I pretty much never saw as he worked alot (I appreciate the hard work), anyway, so I was on my own 90% of the time, so as a kid given free reins to do/eat as I please. I ate junk with a pinch of healthy stuff.
That went on to teen years, i did sports and was active, but I ate my emotions. Ate when I was sad, angry and every emotion in between. Again, didn't have anyone there to tell me not to.
Going into adulthood, I've self improved a bit, but nowhere near what I should. I'm a mum of 3 young boys and still fairly active and not overly overweight but I could probably lose 5-10kg.
But it's this emotional obsession with food that I cant budge, not on my own, I've tried many times and still trying.
Help a mumma out, advice? Experience?

Posted in:  Mental Health, Food

1 Replies


I’ve been working with a psychologist in regards to this and found it hugely helpful.
