Boarding school gift ideas

Anon Imperfect Mum

Boarding school gift ideas

I am sending my first daughter off to boarding school next year I am wanting to know what extras I should start buying to send her with? Or gift ideas I could buy her for Christmas that she could take with her?

Posted in:  Education, Teenagers, Tips and Advice

2 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

Fancy storage containers filled with different things like hair accessories in one, skincare in the other, period stuff in another, suitcase, wireless speaker, hair straightener/curler, bedspread, good pillow, gift card for clothes.

Anon Imperfect Mum

A bedspread. I had my heart set on one before I went to boarding school which I got for Christmas before I left and I still love it - everybody had a brand new one when I went. A dressing gown, suitcase or overnight bag, shower bag. If she's a writer some nice stationery - my mum and I wrote letters every week - or a diary. But you should get sent a list of suggested items to send with your daughter that's good to work from
