My youngest has already been diagnosed with ADHD, has been a few years since then now and we have had change of medication as school will not allow my child to attend if not medicated as there just was too many issues... Ive been researching Dyslexia for my own personal reasons and have come to realiseIi may very well have that condition, never been diagnosed with any learning difficulties that I am aware of but have so many of the related symptoms that are included in Dyslexia so am wondering if maybe Ive somehow passed that through to my children?
Would speaking to my Psychologist about this help me personally? not sure who I would speak to on behalf of this. will almost likely try to remember this to bring it up with my childs paed as well.
2 Replies
An educational psychologist is able to properly diagnose it. However, a speech therapist treats it. My DS has APD which is part of dyslexia and I can’t access an educational psychologist where we live or afford the testing and travel, but our speech therapist helps him in every way he needs.
We are going through this now. Look up SPELD...lots of info. We have an appointment with them in December.
Our boy is 10...heavy tutored (4hrs a week with a reputable company, since year 2)
School works with him. Still only reading at a year 3 level.