Stay at home Single mums

Anon Imperfect Mum

Stay at home Single mums

Single mums who stay at home with young young kids, how do you do it? How do you survive money wise? Is it possible, what payments are you on to be able to stay home?

Posted in:  Life Lessons, Parenthood Guilt, Money

4 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

When I was a single mother I had two young girls, 1 and 3. I received roughly $1200 a fortnight from Centrelink, no child support. Life was good, we never went without, bills were smaller so there wasn’t as much pressure there. We lived in a nice large rental, had a good circle of friends, was always out adventuring with the kids ect. Being a single mum isn’t bad. I really enjoyed it. I loved spending time with the kids during the day then getting to relax and have my me time after they went to bed.

Anon Imperfect Mum

I did it. It will depend on your expectations in life. Where do you expect to live, how good at budgeting you are and what sort of lifestyle you want.
We never went without food, bills were paid. We lived in a two bedroom unit.
I received family tax benefits, single parenting payment, and rent assistance. If you can work part time you’ll find it a much easier transition back into the workforce when your youngest turns 6 (I think that’s the age now). You’ll also find even a few hours work a week makes a lot of difference to what you can afford.

Anon Imperfect Mum

I did for a while. It's enough to pay rent, but food, pay basic bills. Not enough for the high life but as it's only a short time it's definitely an option and so thankfully it is an option! I didn't last long as I went insane and I much more enjoy the balance of work and having less boring time, more quality time, being much busier but having more money.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Hi ladies OP here

I’m already on a very very strict budget so that’s no worries at all! Thank you very much for your comments it give me some hope to take the leap.
