Chances of pregnancy?


Chances of pregnancy?

Are the chances of getting pregnant 3 days after your period very high?? Or not really?? Thankyou

Posted in:  Pregnancy

6 Replies


Apparently I conceived my last child during my period. Fuck knows how. But that's what my dating scan showed when I was 6 weeks. I kept saying but..but and trying to do the maths in my head. So I previously would have said very low chances but now I say anything is possible. If you had unprotected sex and you're worried about falling pregnant go to the pharmacist, don't even risk it.


There is always a chance of pregnancy where ever during your cycle and even on your period. But the chances are obviously just lower then the middle of your cycle where you "usually" ovulate.

Go get the morning after pill if you're worried and aren't planning a baby.

Other wise just wait it out and keep having sex lol


I fell pregnant the day my period finished 3 times. It’s highly possible!


Unlikely . You probably fell pregnant during your period which although rare , would still be more likely. The egg discards along with the shedding of the lining, so it would be impossible for the egg to be fertilised sitting in an empty uterus the day after your period had stopped as it needs the lining buildup to inbed and grow . It would have already expelled itself sometime during the duration of your bleed.


Absolutely possible


I didn’t think so but hello number 3 child
Yes it is possible!
