Hard to breathe early pregnancy


Hard to breathe early pregnancy

This isn my 4th baby but I can’t remember if it happened earlier with my other pregnancies , I’m 11 weeks roughly and finding t hard to breath at times , feels he’d to breath as in hard to catch my breath and have to stop when talking or doing stuff or just in general my chest feels different . I am getting bloods done on Friday ahd I wil check with dr next week but is this normal in the first trimester?

Posted in:  Health & Wellbeing, Pregnancy

8 Replies


Go and see you’re doctor!! See if you can get an earlier appointment. Or a pregnancy book or a midwife. Don’t ask people if it’s normal. Your GP is the only one who can tell you if this is normal for you! You don’t tell us your fitness level, if you’re obese, if you have asthma, or a flu/cold in the past few weeks. This forum shouldn’t be used for medical questions like this you’ll get so much bad advice.


You are bloody dam rude !! Don’t post replies if you’re going to speak to somsone like tnat . You should be ashmed of yourself


Oh piss off, now that’s fucking rude!!

I’m only thinking of the OP with this. Medical advice on it being hard to breath in the early stages of pregnancy given by strangers isn’t going to be reliable. If this is her 4th pregnancy and she’s never had it before then she needs to see a damn doctor. Not ask people on the internet it’s obviously not normal for her. What if someone says it’s completely normal and she waits until Friday instead of getting advice sooner and she bloody well dies? Or there is something wrong with her. Her doctor is the only person who can tell her if this is normal for her. We don’t know her circumstances. I’m overweight, unfit and I didn’t become breathless until later in my pregnancy when my baby so large I was almost due. I don’t need people to remind me of my manners, I have manners and I’m sweet as pie. But sometimes being blunt is the only way people will listen to you. So grow a brain and put your own comment up if you’ve got advice to give to her on the situation.


I’d be seeking medical advice ASAP.


I'm 21 weeks pregnant with my fourth. I haven't had any trouble with my breathing as yet. I would definitely speak to your doctor


Look, I agree with the above comment about getting medical attention ASAP but obviously as you've said you have an appointment I assume you're just looking for some reassurance until then.
I believe breathlessness is normal throughout pregnancy (I was quite breathless early on with all my pregnancies but my babies were all very big and i'm quite small lol), babies typically get bigger with subsequent pregnancies and your body generally gets things happening quicker as well, so it's likely that it's just due to an increase of hormones and everything shifting to accommodate your growing babe.

Of course, if it gets to the point that sitting down, resting and a few deep breaths don't alleviate these symptoms and you're really struggling to catch your breath at all, call an ambulance.


I am small not obese nor over weight no other conditions that I know of haven’t been very active the last two months due to sickness and tireddess I Saw my dr yesterday my blood pressure was a little low , I’ve had breathlessness for a week now and feeling a bit dizzy which e asked me and I told him this . He wants to check for anemia etc which umm getting done tomorrow with bloods and then will make a further appointment for results . He didn’t seem overly concerned and said will waitfor bloods to come back .

From reading and what I know feeling breathless can be normal for some early in pregnancy . I can’t remember if I was like this with my others . I know you all aren’t drs and I am getting medical attention in regards to seeing a dr to make sure I’m ok and its nornal and if it got worse I would definitely callfor help . I was just seeing if otehrs has it during now their pregnancy that’s all . That’s really all


You really should go to ED. There could be something wrong with ur heart! Please don't wait for ur GP to do these tests...u really should be at the hospital. Good luck!
