Opinions of children!

Anon Imperfect Mum

Opinions of children!

So, I was grocery shamed the other day by a kid who couldn't have been older than 10 or 11. She was quite vocal (to who I assume was her dad - who was sort of humouring her with disinterest in a way parents can be really good at) about my trolley full of murder, the bacon really ticked her off 😂😂

It didn't really bother me that much as eyebrow raising as it was, part of me even admired her spunk! But it did get me thinking about how much times have changed though. If I had've made a disparaging comment about a strangers trolley contents when I was that age - I would have been grounded for life! And I would have expected a serve from both my parent and the person on the receiving end.

So my question.

Do you think it's a positive that kids feel so confident to speak freely about issues they feel pationate about?
Do you feel that kids can be too audacious to the point it's a bit disrespectful?
Do you feel there's not a really a hard line one way or the other but perhaps a little from both of the above categories, or something else entirely?

Not looking for a vicious argument here, really just curious about how people feel about the ways of our modern world 😊

Posted in:  Kids, FAQ

7 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

Not just kids but I think people in general can be too audacious to the point it's a bit disrespectful these days. Time and place for opinions, the supermarket is not one of them. I can't control everyone else out there but I would of glared at my child and told her to be quiet and then given her a serve in the car about how not everyone agrees with our views. And that those types of comments towards a complete stranger arent acceptable. I'd give examples of the people who are safe to have those kinds of debates about, and the people who aren't as stranger's could become very very nasty apon hearing things like that.

Anon Imperfect Mum

I agree that people in general feel that they have the right to openly judge your choices in life. Like their opinion is relevant!

Kids I don’t think have a filter and I understand that. And don’t hold it against them. They only mirror the behaviour and opinions of those influential people in their lives.

Anon Imperfect Mum

if it was my kid/niece/nephew I would tell them someone else’s trolley is none of there business.
That being said a couple of kids I used to work with I would have let it slide because pulling them up on it would have created a much bigger issue and I’d wait to role play the issue at home.

Anon Imperfect Mum

For a child that age, yes it is rude. My exes younger sister was like this and nobody would pull her up on it. She had opinions on everything, told adults they looked too old for their age, told people what she thought of their car, house, pets. Her mum would just say she's being honest almost proudly, but honesty has a place. She is now a young adult with no friends 😂 Oh, I mean 😔.

Anon Imperfect Mum

"You don't have to buy it, by shopping here your family dollars support a business that supports the murder industry".

Let her parents wrangle their way out of that one. They'll either step up and teach their kid some manners or they'll be broke from trying to buy food from places that don't also sell meat.

People spend far too much time worrying about what others are doing and now how they're doing.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Most young children and teenagers do not have developed enough critical thinking skills to actually have a genuine opinion on a lot of those things so she is most likely parroting what she has heard from adults. Regardless I think it is rude to make comment on someone else's choices unless it is putting them or others in danger or illness or physical injury. If it were my kid she would have been told to mind her own business and if someone else's child or another adult said anything to me about what is in my trolley they would have been told to mind their own business.

Anon Imperfect Mum

I think it’s rude and it’s come from
The parents and lack of respect for other adults. What have the parents taught her for her to be doing that. Yes ok they might not eat meat but that isn’t ok to point it out in other people’s trolleys. I raise my kids the way I choose to but I would never bring them up to disrespect anyone else. If my child done this, I would be furious and embarrassed. Just because we as a family may not do something or eat somethings, I would never point out any one else choices. Can’t blame the kid really, I’d say it’s the parents who push their ideas on the kid so they don’t know any different. They’ve been raised this way.
