Rumours and slander

Anon Imperfect Mum

Rumours and slander

Dealing with false accusations from the other parent...

My child's father and I split up a year ago and it has been a nonstop battle over visitation.
We are still not sorted and he has been plastering stuff all over facebook blaming me for not seeing our child, even though I've tried and tried with no luck.

It hasn't really bothered me until now, but its a constant barrage of him not communicating properly and being difficult and then his family and friends throwing insults around without knowing the full story.

How the hell do I get to the point where it doesn't bother me?
I want him to see our child, but our child's safety and wellbeing comes first which is why I want legal documents done up instead of trying to navigate through this mess myself.

Posted in:  Relationships & Marriage, Parenthood Guilt, Kids

7 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

Why do you know what his family says? If it’s on social media, block them all. And if it’s because people tell you, ask them not to anymore.
It’s not helpful and it won’t change the situation and in the end you’ll feel much better not listening to the drama.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Start with mediation, if you want him to see his child then just start the first step even though he could have done it ages ago.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Block and move on. See your child, make it a routine. Go to mediation.

Anon Imperfect Mum

How hard is it to block ppl on FB? Block Block Block. It's not hard!!!

Anon Imperfect Mum

Blocking is not going to stop him slandering her, which is what her problem is. It is also not going to stop other people telling her what he has written which is probably what happened.

Anon Imperfect Mum

It’s hard, all you can do is hope they see the truth in time.
These types of people usually reveal themselves at some stage. They can’t keep up the facade forever.

Anon Imperfect Mum

This happened to me, for a good 3 years. All I can suggest is stay quiet do not retaliate as hard as it is you'll be the bigger person in the end. Don't share your side "publicly" and don't let him know it bothers you, with no reaction eventually he will stop. You and the people close to you know the truth and that's all that matters. Yeah it does hurt but eventually people will see through it. There will always be people who will side with him let that be, they aren't worth it. ❤️
