Career Change?!

Anon Imperfect Mum

Career Change?!

Hi IMs!!!
Been ages since I've come to you lovely ladies for advice.

So! Bubby #3 is almost 1 and I'd love to go back to work part time soon! I've been so bloody lucky and been able to have long maternity leave with all 3 and as much as we'd have more kids I think we're done now.

Either way, my actual Question is - Is 31 too old for a career change?!?!
I've been in real estate for a long time and before that equine/small animal nursing/animal care work. BUT I've been told by many many friends over the last few years that I'd be a great nurse!

I'm worried I'm too old to start and I actually have no idea what steps you take to do it (and I'm a little embarrassed to ask my nursing friends, I'd just like to do it quietly you know)

Anyway, long stort short, what would be your advice? Where to start? Can it be done? Am I too old being a mumma of 3?

Thanks Ladies 😘

Posted in:  Life Lessons, Parenthood Guilt, Education, IM's In Business, Money

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