Is my child "normal"

Anon Imperfect Mum

Is my child "normal"

Hi all just wanting to see if any other parents out there have experienced this

Every time my daughter that will be 3 in March sits in her ball pit she will throw all the red balls out then get out of the ball pit. She doesn't stay in and play just gets in throws red balls out then hops out.

What the hick
Why would she do this?
Anyone else's kid done/do this?

Only reason I ask I had a friend over and she said it's not "normal" and I should get it "tested"

Posted in:  Education, Behaviour, Baby & Toddler, Milestones, Aspergers & Autism

6 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

She is playing, and she's sorting by colour that's developmentally right on.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Sounds like she’s just playing. While autistic children do like to “sort” things it’s generally very organised like lining up cars from biggest to smallest or ordering colours, not just chucking one colour out. Unless she had a bunch of other signs of being on the spectrum it’s probably just something she likes to do.

Anon Imperfect Mum

It is strange for a 2 year old to continually do that, it is sorting in a way. Most 2 year olds wouldn't do this repetitively, or sort by colours. What does she do when she's done that? Does she throw them back in or just leave them?

Anon Imperfect Mum

Take the red balls out and pack them away and see what she does next. Is this the only thing she does in her ball pit? Does she actually play in there? My 2 year old would be jumping and throwing them around and having a fab time. Mast ASD 9 would just sit and do nothing. Does she actually know what she’s supposed to do in a ball pit. I don’t think it’s “normal” but then again what is normal? If she displays other signs of ASD the earlier the intervention the better.

Anon Imperfect Mum

It’s not enough to go on. Is this the only game she plays? How does she play at other times? What’s her language like and peer interactions?
One thing she does is not a sign of anything.

That being said:
Personally after working in child development for a number years I always recommend people get the kids checked (when they’ve asked the question), because the number of kids who struggle without help for many years because people didn’t recognise the signs is staggering..there is no harm in seeing a peadiatrician (other than the loss of cash) but you can’t go back in time.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Agree but not on one action and one person (who knows how misinformed) saying something in passing. If that's all OP has, try a playgroup first, plenty of mothers, teachers to talk to, or go to see a health nurse they are great at picking up kids needs and chatting to parents with lots and lots of information and resources.
