Hey IMs
I am considering travelling/living OS for 6-12months thinking of leaving mid next year.
I am 27 and have a DD who is 7yo (will be 8 at the time)(single parent no dad on birth certificate) I see hundreds of stories online of parents who have done this backpack world with child in tow. I would like to hear from anyone who has actually done this and the logistics of it.
I have nothing to loose by doing it now and know once I settle down and marry have another kid it won’t happen nor do I see myself doing it in my 40s/50s. So please only comment if you have advice that’s helpful or if you have done this yourself. I have money to get me there and nothing keeping me in australia my family and friends will support and be here when I’m back. I’m not in a job that I would regreat leaving behind nor own my own house I’d worry about loosing
Due to having a dependant there is no working/holiday visas in any country I am eligible- how do those who have done it bring money in while travelling? Do you do cash work backpacking/farm/nanny work? Does this not break terms of not having a working visa?
Most countries Australia’s passport let us go up to 90days without a visa do you have to return Australia before next country or you can move to the next country without returning home first (say I want to spend 4-6 weeks in each country?
Did you homeschool for that time or put them into local schools or give them that time off (DD will be in grade 2 and is 12-18months ahead of year level in reading and maths so i don’t have concerns of her struggling or falling behind and to me at this age it won’t stuff her studies up not like VCE etc)
Don’t really have any other questions but more would like to hear from those who have actually done this as I can find many stories online but not the actual information to start planning what I need to do
Countries to avoid/go to
9 Replies
I haven’t done it with children, I’ve done it on my own.
You need to be able to pay for your trip with savings or credit. They can turn you back if they think you can’t afford your stay. So you’d need enough to demonstrate you can afford to pay your daughters and yours expenses for the entire planned stay.
No working visa, means no work.
My friends did this with there 10 year old last year. They did it with savings.
Thank you. I have enough savings money isn’t an issue. Planning to head to NZ first so I can work and close enough to home to come back if it doesn’t suit us! I wasn’t sure if farm stay/au pair/back packing was under a working visa or not
You can’t just enrol your child overseas in local schools, so I would take that off the list. If she’s ahead, maybe just find out curriculum and teach the concepts, like grammar, maths, do reading each night etc. one on one she will pick up quickly if bright, so you won’t have to spend too much time in schooling.
Generally, when your visa runs out in most countries, you have to leave, you don’t need to go back to Australia, just onto the next country! Don’t work when you don’t have a visa, you don’t want to end up in immigration goal or in trouble with the law.
Thank you! 🙂
If you travel Asia, South America or the poorer countries in Europe you could afford to live a year without working. Save up before you go. Your child will love it. My advice is to make sure you're ready to return. Ie) somewhere to stay right away, savings for beds furniture car etc because coming back is a downer anyway don't make it harder on yourself. Also, you'll get the parenting payment for the first 6 weeks you're away. Then you might be able to still get ftb the entire time. Make sure you inform centrelink before you go, you can do it on the mygov app.
Thank you! Will look into “cheaper” living countries have savings would prefer to come home without blowing through it all! So happy to not be wasting it on “tourist” areas would love the experience of it! I won’t be eligible after the six weeks for any c/link which is fine and want to find myself. And plan to go back to parents short term when home and get myself a new home :)
You won't be eligible for any Centrelink payments beyond an initial period.
Thank you I don’t expect c/link to fund my holiday! That initial period is more than enough!
I have no advice- but good luck! I’m so envious! Enjoy every moment x