What to get someone I’ve never met

Anon Imperfect Mum

What to get someone I’ve never met

My husband is estranged from his mother. She ran off and left him
And siblings when they were young teens and he has no interim repairing the relationship.
We have three kids and she is meeting them
And myself for the first ever in a
Few days (hubby won’t be there which are his wishes and I respect) she’s getting the kids an Xmas gift each.... what is something I could get her also?


Posted in:  Relationships & Marriage, Parenthood Guilt

4 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

Do you intend to maintain a relationship with her? Maybe a framed photo of the kids, not sure I'd be willing to get her a more personal gift given the circumstances.

Anon Imperfect Mum

An album that shows yearly photos of the kids and next to each photo write their name and things that were achieved or that happened that year for that child.

~Charlie 2014~
~Started Kindy at Newcastle Primary~
~Broke arm while chasing seagulls~
~Obsessed with dogs~
~Loves Spaghetti Bolonaise~

Good for you for being understanding enough to meet this woman and I guess good for your husband to kind of be Ok with you meeting her, that shows he can see his children as their own people and can make their own choices. I used to hear about women that would just take off and always thought it was really selfish. Now I'm 40 and know that it can be so much more that drives people to do it, women who never had a childhood because they were looking after siblings from a young age apparently do this, could also be mental illness, severe DV where they have been made to believe if they take the kids they will be killed or taken off them, this is also a reason behind some murder suicides involving women and children (no way out). It is not as common for women to do runners like this than men as we are the natural care givers, we are the ones that are supposed to be there no matter what and are pre programmed to die for our kids to save their lives so it would cut deep to just have your mother walk out one day and never return no matter what the reason was.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Get her a bunch of flowers?

Anon Imperfect Mum

A nice framed collage of each of you. His mum may have her reasons and hopefully
One day your son can be at peace with it and speak to her. As a mum, we all know the pressures of life and motherhood. At times we have all wanted to give up. I’m sure she regrets and hopefully they can reunite one day. I think the framed photos would be lovely asa gift.
