Trying to get pregnant with PCOS


Trying to get pregnant with PCOS

I feel so frustrated! I am currently trying for my third baby and it has been nearly two years and nothing!
I was diagnosed with PCOS a few years ago not long before I fell pregnant with my second child. I've tried losing weight to see if that helps but with the PCOS it makes it hard and after a few months the diet seems to stop working, I've tried taking vitamins to see if that helps, my GP has given me tablets to try and bring on my period to help ovulate and 2 periods in 18months so tracking ovulation is hard, I have been told the next step is going to see a fertility Dr but I don't know how I feel about it. Part of me wants to as I would love another baby but part of me is worried about cost, should I push my luck as I already have 2 kids and do I really want to go through a fertility clinic and still not end up with a baby? Some days I am happy with my family as is and some days I feel like I have to try and hide to others how desperately I would love to have another child. I guess my question is anyone with PCOS what have you tried that helped fall pregnant before getting fertility help?

Posted in:  Pregnancy

6 Replies


I had PCOS and was successfully treated with Chinese traditional medicine including acupuncture.



Alisha Konig

Have you asked to be prescribed Metformin? It can help you lose weight and increase fertility. I tried this with #2 and it worked. Symptoms at first are rubbish, but subside after 2 weeks..


1st pregnancy was a miscarriage and took over 2.5 years to fall pregnant 2nd time without intervention. I lost about 5kg and my periods were semi regular maybe every 40-50 days. I am now pregnant with my 3rd child I also lost about another 5kg (put the weight on in 2nd pregnancy) stopped taking the pill and I randomly ovulated about 6 weeks after my period.


I definitely understand not wanting to spend a lot of money and have it not work.

We tried for 2 years. Saw a fertility specialist. We did 6 rounds of Clomid, didn't work. Then we did IVF. We got 5 embryo and none of them took. It cost us $15000.00 but even though it didn't work, it was still worth it, to have done everything we possibly could to have our family.

We have a happy ending though, 2 years after our IVF journey, we gave up and fell naturally and we now have a 2 year old and about to have #2 in February.

So definitely see a FS even if just for your own piece of mind. It doesn't have to be IVF or cost you $$$$. There are so many options before IVF. Good luck


No help. I have not used contraception in 7 years and I haven't fallen pregnant. We are not "trying" but not trying to be careful either, I wanted another baby before 35 but don't see that happening. I feel if you really want to, what do you have to lose? You could get an amazing baby at the end if it, have friends and family who used clinics and yes spent a lot of money some did get a baby, some sadly didn't.At least you will have tried and now you tried all you could .
