Lonely Christmas


Lonely Christmas

Any one else really struggling this time of year? This is my second Christmas without my little one for Christmas as I can't offer her the Christmas she deserves, in my eyes.
I was seeing someone for about a year and a half, last Xmas we decided this year we would give his children and my child an awesome Christmas. But out of the blue he left me about 2 months ago, just a text to say it's over and I've been blocked off every form of contact.
It hurts so much, I watched his children grow, I looked after them when needed, we built a life together. My mental health issues became too much and he chose to walk away.
I spent my first Christmas completely alone today and the pain is still very real.
Would really love some strength. Thanks mummas.

Posted in:  Relationships & Marriage, Mental Health, Post Natal Depression, Anxiety & Depression, Parenthood Guilt

3 Replies


I’m in the same boat, my husband walked out 2 months ago and took both the kids for Christmas today. 7yo and our 15mo. I sat and watched Netflix ate a sandwich for lunch and felt sorry for myself. Hoping next year is easier. Sending love xxx


Sending you my love hun. It's been a bad time for many xx


I find Christmas hard too. My son has a rare disability that leaves him in a coma like state for extreme periods of time. A few times he has been awake for Christmas and we have been able to celebrate. Mostly he has been asleep for Christmas.
It’s gotten easier as I’ve developed a better plan and a thicker skin. I basically do a home spa day and eat food that’s special to me. It’s taken a few years not to feel lonely. Honestly I find others peoples reactions to my plans harder than I find the actual day.
It’s exhausting reassuring others that my day is still special, just different.
Can you find a way to make the day special to you?
