My daughter has a friend who has been suffering at the hands of her mother and father. Unfortunately no one really believes her except for her Aunty, me and my partner. Last year she told a friend what was happening and that friends mother called the school and she was sent to the police station where I was asked to pick her up, her parents had an Avo out of them I believe it was for 24 hrs. I had their daughter over night as I agreed to take her in from the police station, the next day I called her mother to ask if I could drop her home and they sent her grandparents over to my house with her bags packed and from there she stayed at my house for 2 weeks and then I had to put her on a plane to her Aunties. She stayed there a year before she returned back to her parents. My daughters friend is now filming the incidents with her parents, where you can hear her father saying “fuck you cunt, I told you I was suicidal I’m going to fucking smash you cunt” they are also scaring and threatening to make up lies about me and my family to their daughter which she has also video recorded and this type of mental abuse really stresses her out. Yesterday her parents were picking her up at the shops and she was walking with some friends and because she wasn’t at the shops when they arrived (she was less than a min away, walking) on time her father was screaming at her in front of everyone and palming her in the chest she was so scared she ran away and he called her and said “when you get home I’m going to fucking break every bone in your body” she went to the police and they sent her home with her parents. Keep in mind I have seen these videos so what she is saying is true. Her sister who is 12 years old was going off at her with a huge butcher knife threatening her with it again she caught that on film and the parents did nothing about that. She’s sooo stressed, glazed over and loud noises freak her out, it’s like she has PTSD her parents have good days and then they just flip like they’re bi Polar, they think I was the one who reported them the first time and the amount of threats and crap I have received is so stupid no matter how many times I tell them it wasn’t me they just believe what they want and then after their daughter returns home they are sending her to my house every second day, I’m so confused, I have my friends daughter audio record them saying she can come over cause I don’t trust them saying otherwise so I feel I need to cover my bum. Last night after the police sent her home with her parents she was up vomiting all night. They were going away out of town today and said she couldn’t stay home and they didn’t want her coming so they dropped her off to the shops and had her walk to my house which is a 15min walk while she’s still so sick, she’s hot her temp is 39 degrees, they refused to take her to the hospital or get her some medication so I went to the shops and got her the meds and electrolytes she needed and now she’s resting in my daughter bed with a movie and the fan on, the medication must have worked cause she’s sleeping now. Her parents should have been the ones taking care of her, is this neglect? I just don’t know what to do, she’s 15, I tried to help once before and her parents are honestly freaking weird, I’m still helping her a year later but I’m so afraid to report this incase 1 nothing happens and she’s sent back home and gets hurt and also if she’s then definitely not allowed to come here which is her only escape, then I’m scared not to say anything I just can’t win. Her father grabs her and her sister by the throat and slams them on the ground, he screams, yells and swears, her mother doesn’t step in she emotionally abuses her, my daughters friend sent me a video of her little 1 year old brother screaming on her lap because her dad hit him sooo freaking hard which is the norm in their house. So please if anyone has any advice or even works in this field please comment below and tell me what I can do to help my daughters friend in some way or if you have any advice personally for her, who could she contact who will listen to her, she doesn’t want to live their anymore, she’s so freightneed. Now the police failed her, she feels sooo alone and I think this is why she’s sooo sick today because of the stress they’re putting her under and what’s worse is the mother is pregnant again, she already has 7 kids. Please note they don’t live feral either, they live in a nice home, clean, nice clothes well presented and act like they have it all together but behind closed doors is a different story, again in video my daughter friends caught the moment where her 12 yr old sister was trying to over dose on pills, she filmed cause she was scared about what her parents were about to do to her sister. Any advice, numbers or support for her. I’m so so torn. Thanks
Update: she told me she has been feeling off and crampy for 9 days and now she’s spewing and has high temps) our hospital sucks and tells me to just take her to the doctors.
Update: she went to the hospital by herself and got checked, she has gastro now today the father isn’t letting her eat because she went against them and went to the hospital.
4 Replies
I deleted my other comment because I just realised you haven't reported them! Do it already, you have video evidence, eyewitness accounts, you even have the police as witness even though they were useless and sent her back they will still have it on report somewhere that she went in there! Report, report and report again. Get everyone that has witnessed this to report them.
While she's at the doctor get her to show them the videos, they are mandatory reporters and will report. The more reports you have the better.
Show teachers as well - they're also mandatory reporters
Contact your local child welfare in your state, keep a log of all incidents as record for child welfare