Does anyone have any ideas on how to get a 9yr old picky eater to enjoy vegetables/salads? While I think he is perfect, my son has started to become quite conscious of his weight and is keen to eat healthier but is having a hard time with it. (He is a big eater and loves stuff like pasta and processed meats even though he knows they are not the healthiest options.) I already add hidden vegies to sauces etc, but want him to be able to eat them without having to mush and overcook them. He has a few favourite vegetables and I am sick of only eating those ones over and over. I need some healthy food or preparation ideas to help please! (Side not. Please don't talk about increasing exercise. He is a competitive sportsperson who trains for at least 7 hours intensely each week as well as recreational sports in the rest of his spare time).
2 Replies
What does he eat? What are his favorite veggies? Mine prefers raw veg to cooked and she will happily demolish a plate of raw capsicum, carrots, cucumber, tomatoes, green beans, frozen or fresh peas. She really loves Praise Fat Free French dressing as well and will eat salad veggies like crazy with it.
His favourite are corn, potato, peas and radish. Sometimes beetroot. Anything else usually gets a gag. Potato and corn are not the healthiest vegies either. I have tried raw, baked, boiled, steamed. Served with sauces or served with dips. We did not have a problem when he was younger, just as he has gotten older unfortunately. He is not a big sweet eater, so bribing with dessert doesn't usually work (and I don't like doing it anyway).