
Anon Imperfect Mum


My employer has sold their business. They are still there currently as apparently they have a lot of OHS issues and things to fix before they can hand over. I am manager of one of the departments. Not since they sold but things have gotten worse. The business is falling apart. I am dealing with that at the moment in Hope's that the new owners will fix things up. I have been stopped from ordering most stock- and the stock that I have ordered before the take over has not been paid for, so even if I had approval I wouldn't be able to get anything. My main issue at the moment is that I am being chased (quite aggresively) for invoices that they havent paid as it's my name on it. They are ignoring me and everybody that is trying to get them to pay. It's causing so much stress and I dont know what I can do about it. It is a hospitality environment (resort) and they refuse to hire any help in any departments. They have no chef and wont let one start until the takeover which nobody knows when will be. They had a conference last week and because they had no stock to cater for it, subway was ordered and staff were apparently told to get rid of all wrappers so guests had no idea. Everybody is at the end of their rope and suffering anxiety. They didn't pay us for 2 weeks claiming that their payroll system was down. Apparently we are not even allowed to talk to the new owners to let them know all of these issues. This is just the tip of the iceberg, there is so much more but I dont even know where to start with fair work or if anything they are doing is illegal. I'm mainly just needing advice on how to get them to pay their debts so I'm not getting chased for them.

Posted in:  Health & Wellbeing, IM's In Business, Money, FAQ

5 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

Contact fairwork Australia

Anon Imperfect Mum

In term of pay, def fair work Australia...everything else, like not paying bills, stock and subway, is their business, they can run it how they like...they stop paying, if they weren’t selling, people call in loans, they go’s not really your job to tell them how to manage either choose to work for them or you don’t, you have free agency..

Anon Imperfect Mum

I have experience in this, worked in accounts payable for a place going broke, but they were bailed out by’s not your just have to redirect them to manager...

Anon Imperfect Mum

Got to ask, why are the invoices in your name? Unfortunately if they are in your name the creditor will expect you to pay and won’t care otherwise.
It sounds like there is no money to pay the invoices anyway so getting money from them will be like getting blood from stone.
You may have to take them to small claims court or similar and still not get the money.
I’d be looking for a new job. The new owners are going to be pushing a boulder up hill, IF the sale actually goes through.

Anon Imperfect Mum

I think it’s that they are the contact on the invoice for order/delivery. The invoice should be made out to the company name, generally when chasing debtors if you can’t make any headway with the accounts department you then resort to contacting who ever placed the order to get them to chase the accounts for payments!
