Just wondering if anyone has had their tubes removed but still fallen pregnant? I understand it’s rare but just wanting to know if it’s possible.
Just wondering if anyone has had their tubes removed but still fallen pregnant? I understand it’s rare but just wanting to know if it’s possible.
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6 Replies
I couldn’t fall pregnant naturally after my tubal ligation. I went through IVF to have a baby. It is very rare. I don’t know if anyone who’s had their tubes removed/cut and burnt fall pregnant after the procedure. I do know of women who have had their tubes clamped and it was after a number of years.
I got pregnant 15 years after my TL. I'm currently pregnant now . I'm 50. I posted on here about it a little while back and not a single person believed it was possible, even tho I was telling ppl on here the test was positive. So many people on here thinking they know the answer to something even after the evidence has been told. It absolutely DOES and CAN happen. Even tho it's incredibly rare.
I remember your post. While I didn't comment, I did believe you. I hope your pregnancy is going well. You sounded like such a wonderful balanced person, who would cope well with a late life pregnancy. Best wishes Mumma x
Thanks it gives me hope. My husband and doctor convenience me to get mine tried. It's been 15 years ago. I regret it every day. So maybe I can have a miracle to.
My sister had hers clamped, and yes she got pregnant, turned out it was an ectopic pregnancy.
It’s possible, it happens, there is no such thing as a 100% protective contraception.
Totally possible. Stopped me from doing it. My husbands off to get the snip and then the test to make sure. It’s under 300 bucks for the snip these days.