Hi there. Anyone with experience with kids with ADHD or borderline? My almost 7yr old son is diagnosed with borderline ADHD hyperactivity and inattentive as well as a few other things. He has major troubles with sleep and had been on melatonin since he was 4 which helps and also helps with the meltdowns as he's not so overtired the next day (this is why he is borderline with assessment as the Melton helps as well as some other activities, without it he scores extremely high) However still has trouble with focus at school and is behind in where he should be. The school has been amazing and he was getting extra 1 on 1 help which works great as he tends to focus more with no distractions however he may not get as much this year. However his last pediatrician appointment they want him to change to Catapres for sleep and more focus during the day. However I'm a bit apprehensive about starting this as everything I have read isn't great and also it's a drug that can't be missed and has severe withdrawals not to mention if given too much can stop breathing. Would love to hear your experience with Catapres or even something different I can mention when we go back in a few weeks for a different option.
Thanks in advance
2 Replies
It certainly can lower blood pressure but I’m sure your paed has taken all necessary precautions checking his bloods, BP etc
Try some of the ADHD FB groups.
My daughter is 9 she’s on melatonin which like you helps with the sleep but as we’ve gone on she’s still struggling at school to focus so we made the decision to put her on Ritalin, I was so anti this choice because of it’s bad reputation and side effect however we don’t notice any side effects I monitored her closely and worked with her teacher to keep an eye on her for symptoms of side effects and they gave her an aid for a couple of days so we could all keep an eye on her, I started her on the Friday and kept an eye on her all weekend then like I said the school helped for a couple of days after that, people only ever post about the bad things nobody ever screams from the roof tops how great this medication is for their kids, for us it’s amazing and it’s giving my girl a chance to actually make some friendships, I would give it a crack if it doesn’t work or you don’t like it just stop with your peads advice, he’ll start out on a small dose but it’s worth a shot in my eyes
Good luck mama!