Drama queen

Anon Imperfect Mum

Drama queen

I have this amazing friend, our children are all very hood friends as are our husband's, my problem is she has this acquaintance (my friend doesn't particularly like her she just tolerates her) any how we both believe she is jealous of our friendship and is trying to cause conflict, this didn't work we laughed it of and moved on but she is now trying to use my kids as a pawn talking shit about accusing them of things i know to be 100% false.
My question is do I approach this woman and set her straight that this is in no way appropriate to be saying these things about my children or do I just leave it as my friend put her back in her place when she was telling her about said incidents

Posted in:  Relationships & Marriage, Mental Health, Sisterhood Stories, Behaviour

17 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

Just leave it. Your friend called her out.

You approaching her Is just feeding into the drama

Anon Imperfect Mum


Anon Imperfect Mum

Why are you both friends with her? Stop hanging around her, problem solved!

Anon Imperfect Mum

I dont hang out with her since the first incident but my friend unfortunately doesn't have the same luxury of completely cutting ties due to living proximity. But she does limit contact henxe my comment on just tolerating her

Anon Imperfect Mum

Be very careful your actual friend isn’t the one stirring up drama. A grown up would have shut the person down and left it at that.
They wouldn’t be gossiping and feeding the situation by creating motives such as she wants to break up the friendship.
You have to question your friends motives if she is continuing to spend lots of time with this person.

Anon Imperfect Mum

She did shut her down immediately. But this is not the first time she has been talking shit about my children and its not small things she tried saying my kid was building a bomb thats how crazy she is

Anon Imperfect Mum

It could be taken out of context too. I grew up listening to my aunt have a bitch session with one friend, then another friend would come along and they would have a bitch about the friend that was just there. Someone could just joke around saying things about their own kids and she would pass it off to the next person as a serious statement. Then after all the feeding for a reaction she would get the reaction and tell the other person what they said to start conflict between them. Women are nasty 😂🤷‍♀️. I would also be a bit wary because they are still friends, why is she socialising with someone she doesn't like?

Anon Imperfect Mum

Living proximity makes it difficult for her to completely cut ties.

Ive seen first hand what this other woman is like this is why i no longer have anything to do with her. Im confident that it has not been taken out of context.

I just don't want my kids labled as bullies when they are the furtherest from it. I know my kids aren't perfect I'm not going into this with rose coloured glasses but the things she is accusing them of i know for a fact my children wouldn't have dobe them

Anon Imperfect Mum

People who know your kids, know they aren’t and those who don’t know them, who cares what they Think?

Anon Imperfect Mum

This whole dynamic sounds like some Real Housewives bs and I don't just mean the "drama queen" friend, I mean all 3 of you.

You've got one woman who is - to use your words - tolerated. She can probably sense that and it likely makes her insecure and irrational.

Then there's the other woman who runs the "you wouldn't believe what she said about you" gossip back and forth between two of her friends.

Then there's you who wants to challenge the first woman over something you can't even be sure was said and in what context.

Y'all need to start acting like adults. There I said it...

Anon Imperfect Mum

I am not friends with the woman talking shit and as for my friend she is in a situation out of her control that prevents her from cutting ties altogether hence why she just tolerates her and her crazy.

My friend tells me because this other woman has threatened to go to our children's school about said incidents and didn't want me to be blind sided if she went through with it.

Our families have known each other for a substantial part of our lives I trust my friend and i have also seen first hand what this woman is capable of. So no nothing has be taken out of context

Anon Imperfect Mum

This woman’s opinion of you and your kids is none of your business.
Been there, pretend she doesn’t exist, it’s hard at first but it gets easier.
If your friend mentions her, tell her you don’t want to know.
Again, hard at first, but no contact really works.
Without new shit, they slowly fade into the background of your mind.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Im sorry but it is every bit my business, it is my kids she is bad mouthing and making accusations not opinions about
Its a bit hard when she is claiming my kids are trying to build bombs and labeling them as bullies and threatening to go to our school

Anon Imperfect Mum

So you get upset about this and are emotionally invested.
Is it stopping her?
You know what she wants, A REACTION!!
If she doesn’t get one, guess what, she moves onto the next target.
She wants to be important, to be able to mess with your life and you have the power to let her or not.
Making bombs pffff she will need actual evidence if she actually reports it.
She knows that, it’s just the threat, to upset you.

Anon Imperfect Mum

I had a similar work situation, this woman, the gossip, the rumours, you wouldn’t believe it.
I quit and I now have no contact with anyone there, I don’t know what she’s saying and so I don’t care.
These people are evil but if you don’t know, it can’t get to you.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Also, her lies are so outrageous, not many people would take them serious.
She’s clearly deranged and people will see that.
I’m sure she goes through many friendship groups.
You aren’t the first and you won’t be the last she does this to.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Thank you so much
