Work addiction

Anon Imperfect Mum

Work addiction

My husband has a work addiction. It has a significant negative impact on our family and I’ve had a gut full. He doesn’t see it as an addiction. Help!

Edit: thank you for all the responses! Good guess he is a farmer lol! And so am I so I know what it takes, finances are no issue, I would love to swap every now and again but he can’t bring himself to. After some drama since this was posted that affects his ability to work he has finally agreed to marriage counseling 🥳
It is comforting to know I’m not alone!

Posted in:  Behaviour

4 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

This is tricky as it’s a fine line between supporting your family and going the extra yards to do so - which usually we would all applaud. And it affecting family life to the point your upset he doesn’t spend enough time with the family. Maybe start planning things where you go away etc and make him set aside dates whereby they are work free days/activities

Anon Imperfect Mum

Explain the work addiction please.

Hayley Pattison

Work comes before all else. No work life balance even though finances are fine. Live apart bc of work, promises only 2 more years 5 years ago, extremely unsupportive and uses work as an excuse, can’t look after kids for an hour so I can attend a funeral bc of work, can’t delegate, forces unhealthy friendships for networking purposes, goes on holidays at work, is idea of quality time with the kids is taking them to work, etc

Anon Imperfect Mum

It’s really difficult. I’ve experienced this with an ex partner. Luckily we didn’t have kids and we weren’t married so it was time to call it quits.
Basically there is a big difference between working to get ahead but maintaining some kind of work/life balance and taking on ALL the work you can (and have no balance) when financially you are actually comfortable.
It really was a big issue, extremely late nights, early starts, being shitty the very few moments he wasn’t working, cancelling plans to work, despite having more than enough money to pay the bills and and have rainy day money.
In my case he said I couldn’t see his vision and that he was working for our future! PFFT please, housing was sorted, we could pay our bills and both had savings. Working 24/7 and never seeing your friends and family is not building a future.
