Cost of childcare more than earnings?

Anon Imperfect Mum

Cost of childcare more than earnings?

Just curious to see what amount people pay for childcare. I have a three year old and a six month old who will likely be going into a childcare centre Thursdays and Fridays whilst I work a six to eight hour shift each day, but I have been told it will likely cost more than I earn 😕
I'll also be working Saturdays and Sundays for three to four hours each shift to make up my minimum contract of 21 hours per week, but it seems crazy to be working two days for free or worse, in negative. Is this a common occurrence? Thanks in advance.

Posted in:  Education, Baby & Toddler, Money

19 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

Yep, seems pretty normal in this day and age. That’s why so many parents choose to stay home until the kids start school. I have 3 little ones and there is no way in the world we could afford day care for them so I could go back to work. But yet I get judged and looked down soon for being a shm 🤷‍♀️ Can’t win

Anon Imperfect Mum

It will depend. If you have a partner and he earns a decent wage then it will push your childcare expenses up.

Anon Imperfect Mum

You will need to get that info from the calculator available on the Centrelink website. Its hard to predict with so little info.

But remember this: by working, you will be contributing to your super, that in a few years time, your resume will have work experience and will make it much easier for your career/job, that working may be beneficial for your mental health.

My 2yo is in childcare a few days a week. It is so beneficial for him and his development. I also love having my own time - career and development.

Anon Imperfect Mum

This is essentially what kept me out of the work force.
I had 3 that would've been in daycare, I would've had to work full time to basically break even after child care fees, at best I would've been about $50 better off.

So that left me with 2 choices.

Work my ass off, barely see my kids and be broke.

Stay home with my kids and be broke.

I chose the latter.

Anon Imperfect Mum

I don't use daycare anymore but when I did, yes, this was the case. I quit after work started giving more hours to their buddies by shortening mine, which meant it was actually costing me money to work. I didn't go back to work until all of mine were at school.

Anon Imperfect Mum

There's is several different factors that come into play in regards to how much subsidy you will be entitled too to reduce the cost of daycare.
Are you single or in a family?
Family total income aswell as the amount of hrs the parent/ s work.
For me, family earning 100k and working68hrs per week. We get 73% ccs. On average I pay $21- $25per day per child whilst in care. This care provider charges $75 per day for a 12hr day.

Anon Imperfect Mum

After the rebate our fees are only $55 a day... for one child. That’s with 50% rebate.

For a 10 hour day (my child isn’t there that long but could be) I actually find that pretty cheap!

Anon Imperfect Mum

I've never understood anyone that says child care is more than they earn. My child care (2 kids full time) is 1/3 of my income after the subsidy. But hey it's still 2000 a month more than what I'd have if I wasnt working.

Edited to add: dual income family earning about 100k combined

Anon Imperfect Mum

I have 4 kids, 2 were in daycare and 2 were in after school care and it definitely came to more than what I was earning. Probably helps if you're able to work the whole day they are in care, I was only getting 4 to 6 hours a day but still had to pay for a whole day. You have to remember everyone has different situations to you, it is quite easy to understand.

Anon Imperfect Mum

I was earning $22 an hour before tax. Lucky to get 4 to 6 hour shifts.
Out of pocket childcare fees for 3 kids was between $100 and $150 a day depending on the centre.

Simple mathematics makes it pretty easy to understand how for some people, day care isn't a viable option.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Sorry yes I was immediately looking at it from a full time perspective. That was extremely narrow minded of me.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Mine was.
Gap was $55 - 1 child 5x week $275 a week.
Plus petrol to go to work/childcare everyday.
I was earning $690 Nett per week.
For me, minus petrol and childcare, left me with $345 a week.
Basically ... I was working to pay rent.
Then my . FTB A&B plus SPP totalled $220 per week - so Centrelink was used for bills, elec, water, food.
I worked out - it was an extra $120 a week better off by going to work. If I didn’t need a roof over my head, for the lousy $120 I would have stayed at home with my child and spend the extra time with him.

Research it, go online find your subsidy and work out ALL your expenses

Anon Imperfect Mum

As a single mum, childcare is bloody cheap, so I was always better off working.
Not sure if you have a partner and what he earns?
From memory, was a while ago, my son went three days a week and the fortnightly bill was like 50 dollars, so def worth it.

Anon Imperfect Mum

It’s no cheaper because you are single, it’s just based on income. I’m single and it’s no where near that cheap for me

Anon Imperfect Mum

It's subsidized get a quote before you panic, it's well worth working for me.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Thank you everyone for your replies, so I've say down and worked it all out.
I have a husband who earns over 100k.
I will earn maximum 176 per shift which will leave me with 14 after childcare, subsidy considered. $14 for a whole days work. Yay.
I will also need to factor in petrol etc.
I used to earn much more than this... But I had to demote myself before I went on maternity otherwise I would have to return to a 55 hour contract per week. The pay cut came with that.
I've decided to stay home longer with bub...
I have however decided to put my three year old in for two days a week as he will benefit from the experience.
I feel like any incentive to return to the workforce is too little..🙁

Anon Imperfect Mum

With CCS from Centrelink, daycare is alot cheaper! My sanity is better from working part time, having interaction with adults and earning my own money. I have 2 in daycare and daycare costs $102 per child per day however after the rebate, I pay $310 a fortnight in total for both children. I earn alot more than $310 a fortnight so I think it is worth it. My children are creating friendships and learning so much and I get to have a hot cup of coffee whilst at work. It is invaluable for me! I honestly think people "forget" about the Centrelink rebate. Even when I was partnered, my CCS rebate was worth it and daycare fees were less than what I earn.

Anon Imperfect Mum

It totally depends on your wage/hourly rate and how much child care subsidy you get. Don’t discount it till you actually get those numbers. You are also getting superannuation. Contributing to society with tax, showing your kids a work ethic, getting time out of home with adults and building a career / skill set. Think ahead to when kids are in school - if you don’t work until then it will be had to find a job with years out of the workforce. Play the long game!

Anon Imperfect Mum

Our daughter goes four days a week, I pay fortnightly an pay $240p/f our other daughter goes to before/after school care 4 days a week, I pay fortnightly and pay $80
