I'm a single mum to a just turned 3yo, I have found myself to constantly be on edge and angry and yell quite a bit. I want to change this I want to be a more patient and calmer parent but I'm worried that the damage is already done. Is it too late to change? What's the best way to change?
6 Replies
It’s never too late! It’s hard work changing how we react and parent, but it’s worth it.
There would be very few parents who haven’t had to change there parenting at some point.
Never too late, she’s only three!!
Best way, have a strategy when you get overwhelmed and implement it.
Toddlers are really hard work, it does get easier.
You must be doing a great job already or you wouldn’t recognise that you need to adjust. I know the majority of parents (there are always the unicorn parents who are perfect!) go though this guilt and make changes to how they react to their children’s behaviour. Parenting a toddler is super tough and there is no magic bullet. Just breathe and pause before you react helps and be as silly as you can when things are starting to escalate. We are constantly evolving as parents and it’s never too late to change our habits. If things are really bad your gp may be able to refer you to someone who can help.
I myself have some very testing kids and have regretted yelling and getting angry and when I speak to my friends and mums group they always help get my mind and parenting back on track. Good luck x
You must be doing a great job already or you wouldn’t recognise that you need to adjust. I know the majority of parents (there are always the unicorn parents who are perfect!) go though this guilt and make changes to how they react to their children’s behaviour. Parenting a toddler is super tough and there is no magic bullet. Just breathe and pause before you react helps and be as silly as you can when things are starting to escalate. We are constantly evolving as parents and it’s never too late to change our habits. If things are really bad your gp may be able to refer you to someone who can help.
I myself have some very testing kids and have regretted yelling and getting angry and when I speak to my friends and mums group they always help get my mind and parenting back on track. Good luck x
It's never too late to be a better parent, you'll keep making improvements for many years to come.
Take care of your own mental health - I've found that I'm much calmer if I'm not wound too tight and struggling with anxiety or trying to do too much. If my anxiety is playing up I get impatient, irritable and shouty.