C section question


C section question

Hi everyone, I’m looking for advice. I’ve had a really hard pregnancy. I’ve dealt with constant numbing and pain in my left arm and legs and hand, neck pain, blood pressure drops really bad and have been put on a heart monitor etc my question is, I’m so scared to have a natural labour as I’m scared I’ll lose feeling in my arm, legs etc. I would like to do a c section but I wanna know what other people’s thoughts are. And if a c section would be a good idea this is my 7th baby Thanks 😊

Posted in:  Pregnancy

3 Replies


I had all the same issues during my pregnancy and had a scheduled c-section (I’ve had two now) - whilst they’re clinical and can be quite lonely, I loved my experiences and am so glad it’s the method we chose :) minimal pain in recovery due to no spontaneous labour, it was done quickly and efficiently as there was no rush to get bubs out (which also means a nice scar).


Two emergency csections.
First one was okay and I just wanted my baby. Second wasn't pleasant at all and I plan to go vaginal third time.
Everyone has such different experiences it's really hard to say what you'll experience but at the end of the day, you have to own the decision you make.


Obviously it’s best to ask your primary caregiver: midwife or obstetrician if a c-section would make any difference but if you have had normal deliveries with your other children it really is the safest option. Recovering from a Caesar with 6 older children doesn’t sound like much fun & I honestly don’t think it will necessarily help with what you’re worried about!
