Hey everyone. I’m a mum of 4. Problem is we have always been poor, I was born and raised in a low income family, my partner works when he can but he helps me a lot at home and has lost two jobs because I desperately needed his help. I have chronic back pain, to the point where some days I can barely walk. This is definitely affecting my ability to be able to look for a job because there’s so many I just can’t do in this body.
The past few days I’ve been looking into sex work, anything I can do at home and online. I will not do any MLM’s. I have done sewing in the past but it doesn’t bring in much money.
I’m so desperate and I’m so sick of asking family members to loan me money so I can get the kids food, some days I just eat their leftovers, I’m not even kidding I will eat their toast crust for breakfast. I’m wondering if anyone has been in this position before and found online sex work, how you got into it and what did you do? Is the money worth it? I’m very conscious of my safety and my families safety so would need to do it as securely and safe as possible. Thank you, from a desperate imperfect mum x
Broke and considering sex work.
Broke and considering sex work.
Posted in:
Parenthood Guilt, Money
33 Replies
Where are you located would love to help your family with at least some food and meals where I can
How does your partner feel about you doing sex work to cover the house hold expenses?
Cleaning houses always helped me a lot cause some people will pay you cash cause you're cheaper. You can work within school hours and if you're fast and good you can smash out a few houses and bring home 2-300 or look into traffic control. Some companies run by offering hours in a text and you reply if you can that job for those hours but it pays well. There are other ways to make money for you to consider and i hope you will x
She has chronic back pain, did you even read the post?
If she can't stand and hold a stop sign, how the hell is she going to be a sex worker! Pretty sure people paying for sex want a lot more then a starfish!
Oi. She asked about Online sex work . Not physical client to client sex work, why are people not reading her post?
How is she going to clean houses with chronic pain?
Correct me again if I'm still wrong but wouldn't online sex work still require her to put herself in positions that manipulate that "chronic back pain" even further!
To the post above mine, Read further down, there's an answer there explaining this.
Sex work won't be good for your health. In more ways than one..
Hpv is skin on skin with or within protection so it puts you at risk of cervical cancer and mrsa and all sorts which can put your kids at risk too in a way. I'm not saying sex workers are dirty but it's a high risk job to your health. Just think long and hard about this, your kids need their mum safe and healthy.
I’m pretty sure she means either web cam work or phone sex? She said from home I hope she’s not meaning bringing men into her home to have sex
Can your partner not look into night shifts so that he can work whilst everyone sleeps? Surely you’d be eligible for some sort of pension or payments given your situation if it’s medically recognised?
Did anyone actually read the post ??
ONLINE sex work. You don’t usually meet clients !!!
You could consider phone sex work. It’s easy to do and secure. Fits around your schedule :)
Yeah, I read it. Didn't miss that she said ONLINE.
The thing is, the only way she's going to be making the sort of money she needs to improve her situation is by live streaming/cam girl sort of stuff.
She's going to need to put on a physical performance to get up a viewer base. How does one do that with chronic back pain?
I just don't think sex work is going to be a miracle fix here.
Different poster here, as a sex worker myself, I can verify that she doesn’t need to be a cam girl in compromising positions. Phone sex is another option and pays well. She can be lounging on her couch comfortably and her callers will have no idea.
Also cam girls rarely do anything vigorous, and if they get asked to, they can decline. Other more gentle footage will be asked for, not every sex worker needs to be a slammed hard contortionist Lol
I think it's important to consider the emotional and physical toll this may take on you before you decide if it's worth it.
I know you said you want to work from home/online, I feel like that's still going to take a physical toll on you at least in terms of energy expenditure - I'm sure your chronic pain probably comes with a fair amount of fatigue too doesn't it.
Other things to consider:
Do you have the money to get set up for at home sex work?
I mean, even for phone sex work presumably you're not going to want to use your personal number, so a second phone/bill is going to be an expense. For cam work, you'll need I'm assuming a decent camera of some sort, tripod, device to upload - especially if you're wanting to give this a real go, an unsteady iPhone video probably isn't going to cut it.
There's still a huge stigma attached to sex work, whether that's right or not is irrelevant - we know people have strong views on this.
If people found out, how would you cope with the scrutiny of that?
How would your husband and children cope with the scrutiny of that?
Would your loved one be supportive or would the choice to earn money this way risk alienating yourself from them?
If sex work doesn't bring in the worthwhile income you're anticipating, what's plan B?
What's your plan generally speaking, long term?
Are there any other options?
Could you take in a boarder/student or something?
Could you move in with some family for support?
Have you checked you're receiving the correct welfare entitlements?
Have you got a formal diagnosis and proper pain management plan?
Would your hubby be eligible for some carers payments?
Would you be entitled to some in home care?
Even of you decide to go ahead with the sex work, I think you should still consider all the above questions.
If you have injuries and back issues, I'd be careful purely from an OH & S prospective.
Talk to legal brothels. Don't try the street. Also if you are on the pension, you need to report earnings however Centrelink will not support you working in the industry. I asked my employment agency and they were very specific in roles and employment.
As for online sex work, using cams etc or phone text talk sex work, same applies regarding pay and centrelink obligations. If you are in chronic pain, preforming might be a difficult chore. I did sex talk and stuff... it's difficult to stay in character when you're hurting and just want to tell the dickhead to fuck off.
I know you mean well, but as a two decade sex worker myself, all your information is wrong. Not one thing you have written here is even close to accurate.
The pension thing is absolutely correct when I talked to my job agency. Unless she was trying to discourage me?
And when I was living on the street myself, this is exactly what the social workers told me.
Go figure.
Yeah that's awful how they spoke to you without any professional input of the industry at all. Makes me so mad when those with no qualifications on an industry take it upon themselves to give you their own opinion and call it truth.
I'm definitely not saying that remark at you, I'm aiming it at the job agency and centrelink etc .. that told you information they have no business relaying.
There are specialist alliance workers in each state who hold workshops, including specialist sex work lawyers who will give you different information and they are free. Centrelink etc .. make me so mad when they think they know best.
I'm all for it if you want to get into sex work.
I spoke to a Male friend of mine about it and he was horrified. But then again, he thought of himself as "better than that," while in the same sentence admitted he has paid for services in the past. Of course, that was ok because he was struggling with a divource.
If you REALLY consent knowing what any job entails and like your job enough to stay in it, then it's not my right to judge.
In saying that, if you are given information that is inaccurate but because the person giving it has some authority over you, then it's hard not to speak your version of the truth until it's corrected.
I was in a similar situation, I have 2 kids and my partner left no trace to be found when my youngest was a week old. Not being able to work and having debts, I turned to the internet looking for online sex work. I found Textchat121, it is a UK company and if you have the time to put in and the hours then you are able to earn a lot. It is monthly pay and converts to AU dollars. I have been doing this the last 2 yrs and love it. As I said the potential to earn is there. It is basically sexting men. They don't have any of your details or pictures as it is a fantasy site. I highly reccomend you give it a go. The other thing is your kids won't have to know unless you decide to tell them. The other women and men that do this are lovely and a pleasure to work with. The managers are understanding and beautiful also.
If you need any help or have anymore questions I am happy to help you out with that :)
I know people who have done phone sex. They would even take the call when out. Most of her clients actually just wanted to chat. I’ve also known a few people to sell their worn underwear. They charged if it was just underwear $200 and $500 for a photo of them wearing the underwear.
Depending on your age you could work for a call-out service or a brothel. You'll need Regular STD checks. There is much more available now than when I was younger just research the area your are interested in.
I worked in the sex industry from the age of 13 to 25. I didn't have any other options when it came to putting a roof over my head. Please think this through carefully it changes you when it's a Matter of survival.
Its diminishing emotionally physically and spiritually and causes more pain. Can you live within your means now and provide even if poor? You should be eligible for income support. I also belive in prayer. There is a promise in the Bible that says "Whatsover thing you ask in faith nothing doubting, in the name of Christ, you shall receive." Try this promise beginning with one thing that you or your children stand in urgent need of. Not frivolous things but it may be shoes or a winter coat. Or tuition for a child or regular transport . It may be a one of need or ongoing. Pray to your Father in Heaven in the name of Jesus Christ first giving thanks for your blessings - naming each thing you are truly grateful for then asking for the needed thing and the faith to believe he will answer you. This is a promise. We are his children and He loves us. I have done this many many times. Sometimes an answet is almost immediate sometimes it requires asking each day and night till the blessing is secured as it takes US awhile to build faith and commit ourselves to trusting Him . I can promise you will receive an answer. Usually more quickly if its for someone else but also for ourselves.
Why are Christians always pushing Jesus down everyone's throat??!! Not everyone gives a hoot about that!! Did she ask about religion? No. Then keep that to yourself. You know how the saying goes: religion is like a penis. It's all very well to have one, but when you start waving it around in public, we have a problem.
Jesus isnt going to put food on the table and pay the bills ffs
If we truly are his children and he loves us, small children wouldnt be raped or set on fire or sold.
People who pray starve, are killed, are raped everyday. Look at all the kids that are sexually abused under the name of the Lord, the women that are treated as propriety in the name of bible.
If you haven't got an answer to this ladies question dont comment.
Yep, look at how children were (and continue to be) abused by the church. I'd rather have none of crap in my family!! Keep church as far away from.families as possible.
Evil pedofiles are found in all sectors of society. We even have universities teaching that pedofilia is just another sexual orientation like heterosexuality and homosexuality. But ok. It’s just a church problem.
Having done SW before- there is no way in hell you can do it with a busted back. It takes just as much of a physical toll as it does mentally.
Cam work maybe?
Also the income is inconsistent. Safety isn't a huge risk (as many would suggest) but you need to bare in mind you can run into these people outside of that work.
I highly recommend finding another option.
I did this. Actual sex work tho.i did it during school hours. I did it for 2years. No regrets. Would go back into it without a second thought. I was making over $2K a week, met some wonderful people, an yes not nice ones but the good out weighed the bad. Only reason I stopped was because I wouldn't work the hours they wanted they cut back my customers. I had kids, at first they were fine, than it slowly changed. So I quit. Hardest decision I ever made but in the end they just didn't care I had kids an wouldn't work around them. As you want to do other online sex work I would assume it's easier. All I did was Google what I wanted to and went from there. Good luck
I posted here a few weeks ago and my post was removed due to nasty comments I received.
I am reporting a man who filmed me and put me online repeatedly when I was 14 and he said he was 28 (probs actually older).
I can speak to the long term effects of this type of thing.
It makes you feel different to others, like a part of the dirty underworld and you start to value yourself less
You worry constantly about who can see it, not just now but long term 10 or 20 years in to the future
It makes you have a different relationship with your body and removes the sacredness and intimacy of sex, making it more a function to please others
Please look at the long term psychological effects of this before you make your choice. I wouldn’t wish the hell that was imposed on me on anyone