How do I approach my grieving neighbour?

Anon Imperfect Mum

How do I approach my grieving neighbour?

My neighbour has just lost his wife to cancer. He is in his late sixties, early seventies. Retired. Their children are grown and have moved away. He has a small dog but is otherwise now on his own.
We have always been friendly but my husband and I are both introverted and usually avoid social situations. I have given him a hug over the front fence but I can't stop thinking about him all alone with his grief whilst we are enjoying our family (new baby and a toddler) next door.
I'm desperate for some advice on how I can overcome my shyness in order to show my neighbour some empathy during this time.
Also some advice on a gift I could bring around for him would be helpful. I'm not sure what hobbies or interests he has.

Posted in:  Loss & Grief, Helping others through Grief, Health & Wellbeing

6 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

Just invite him for dinner, don't be weird around him. It will be refreshing for him to see you guys act normal x

Anon Imperfect Mum

Send him a box of chocolates and a dinner date/time :) crack a red wine open and let the convo flow

Anon Imperfect Mum

Knock on the door with food, even portioned out that he can pop in the freezer and reheat. Things like spaghetti, lasagne, mild chicken and rice dishes. Invite him then to the Sunday roast at yours and let him decide if he's ready for that, and if not but he's home still run him over a plate.
You sound lovely and caring, he's lucky to have you nearby looking out for him.

Natasha Goodhall

Invite him to dinner or if you are going to the shops offer to pick something up for him....

Anon Imperfect Mum

You could pop over with a home
Cooked meal, especially in this time. Or if you aren’t comfortable, just say you are coming to check on him to see if he needs anything at the shops while you are there, with everything that is going on right now in the world. I’m sure he would love your company and that would break the ice. let him know that you are there anytime if he needs anything. he must be so lonely.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Use this shopping thing as an excuse. Just tell him you’ve been thinking of him and if he needs anything at the shops you can get it for him. Coz the shops are chaos and hardly anything there.
