Which help do I apply for?

Anon Imperfect Mum

Which help do I apply for?

I've lost all hours since my work has closed due to the virus. I was part time.
I am partnered and have a 3 year old (as well as a school aged child)- my question is do I apply for the parenting payment or the job seeker payment? Or FTB? I'm hoping that my work place reopens after all this is over but who knows when that will be. I am feeling for everybody atm.

Posted in:  Money, FAQ

6 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

Parenting payment, as you have a 3 year old I don't believe you'd qualify for the job seeker payment (although the payment rate is exactly the same). You should also be entitled to some ftb.
It will all still depend on your partners income though.

Good luck xx

Anon Imperfect Mum

Do you not already get FTB? Your youngest is 3, so you will possibly be eligible for parenting payment partnered. It will depend on your partners income as to how much you are likely to get.

Anon Imperfect Mum

If your partner earns over $48k you will only be entitled to FTB. If you are already getting FTB you maybe entitled to a little more. My hubby earns $52k and I can’t get anything. My FTB will be increased but that’s it.

Anon Imperfect Mum

I'm not the original poster but just curious, as Im losing more and more hours as weeks progress I'm guessing I'll soon need to apply for jobseeker. My sons over 8 so won't get parenting payment. Did you apply for jobseeker payment? My partner will also take home 52k so wondering if it's worth the crazy wait times etc to have it declined due to my partners income.

Anon Imperfect Mum
Anon Imperfect Mum

You can be on parenting payment and ftb at the same time
