Hey there pretty mumma's... I'm a single mum with 2 kids, boy 5, girl 9. I support my babies on my own, I've worked so hard (5-6 days a week) to make sure my babies don't go with out anything. My question is... When is it appropriate for children to have online video game? I feel like a bit of a prude when it comes to this kinda stuff. In the past, I've let my 9 yr old ride her bike up and down the street, I let her go to the park with her friends from 2 houses down who are 9 and 10, the parks 3 houses down from home, I can see and hear her, she where's her space watch so I can track her and she calls me regularly or messages me the whole time (obvestly she can't right now). I let my kids do anything when they go out side and play I'm so lenient with it, I don't even care if they're in the back yard with no shoes on, trashing the yard like ferrals!! BUT when it comes to things like youtube or online interactive gaming it's a NOPE! from me!! My son is only 5 so he's not really mature enough for it.
I just hear about all these kids similar age to mine doing things that I'm just not comfortable with!! It's not like they don't have an iPad each, Sega, Xbox, play station or computer to play on cause they do and they play games on them (just not online gaming). Do I need to may be lighten up and allow them this stuff or just wait till they're old enough? They haven't complained or asked about it and say when they go to dad's they play them there.. I guess my concern is them learning to sit at home and play online games, being subjected to predators or bullies, when they could be outside or cooking and doing chores inside with me (which funny enough they don't complain about, they both help me when I ask them too) but then again they need their own hobbies and need to be kids. My daughter takes on a lot of responsibility, she's told me that I'm the strongest person she knows (I've been through dv and some horrible things), she kinda takes on the roll of mum sometimes making sure my son does what he's supposed to do and helps get his breakfast, helps bath him, get him dressed and is a bit of a boss when chores come around but it will usually be when I'm busy cooking or doing other things, I keep telling her to be a kid and do her own things because her brother isn't her responsibility but she just wants to help. Is this normal for a 9 yr old? Or should I be making her do her own things? She has a 7 month old baby sister at her dad's and I'm worried she's loosing her childhood as well. I guess I'm just running a little thin at the moment to because I'm still working and trying to be a mum and dad and at the same time run a house hold on my own, my brains just hit over drive!
Technology and kids confusion rant!
Technology and kids confusion rant!
Posted in:
Parenthood Guilt, Education, Kids
11 Replies
Just make sure she's not being too bossy to her brother. She does need to know she is not his boss, this could end in trouble when they are older and she's still trying to tell him what to do. If she's just looking out for his safety etc then that is fine, but you are the boss of that house.
As for technology, they could be at home a long time. If we go into lockdown they will no longer be able to ride in the street or play in the front lawn, only the back. They could get very bored, especially not going to school. There are lots of educational sites out there that will help at this time. If you really don't want technology in your home you will need to provide them with things they can do that will keep their minds stimulated.
Kids shouldn't be at the parks now or hanging out with their friends
Why not?? The park is close to home, she's being monitored, she has her friends with her and no doubt we would have done it at that age, I know I did.
Under normal circumstances, this is fine.
No one should be playing in parks right now. Social distancing and all...
You are aware of the new rules regarding Covid 19 & parks aren’t you?
I dont think she meant now now.. she's changed it so
Umm covid19 and stage 3 restrictions and all that? Maybe that's why not?
So your kids have iPad, game consoles and computer? How much more technology is there?
Yes, I agree with the above.
I'm 5 years older than my brother, I know from experience that taking on too much of a parental role when you're still a child yourself takes a toll and truth be told, it damaged the relationship I have with my mother.
Being responsible and a good role model is a wonderful trait of an older sibling but just remember it's not her job to raise her brother.
The technology aspect:
To an extent, I believe our children do need a certain amount of exposure to it. It's part of their world whether we - the free range generation - like it or not.
The will need to know how to navigate technology, they will need to be taught responsible/appropriate internet usage.
Online gaming is an extension of the way they socialise these days - with the proper safety settings in place and thorough supervision, it can be a very positive experience.
YouTube, a lot of it is mind numbing garbage lol, but on the other side of that coin there's a lot of really engaging and educational content too. So again, with proper parental input, it can also be a positive.
Both these things definitely have their place in our lives at the moment given most of the world is in isolation of some form.
Social media. I personally don't think any kid under 13 should be using it but parents are quite divided on this particular topic so I think that's quite a personal choice.
There is a lot in this post.
Online gaming. I’d be allowing under very close supervision for the 9 year old for short periods of time. If she is doing it at dads anyway, you need her to know how to be safe and teaching her not to interact with people she doesn’t know etc. You let them have small exposures for them to build safety skills so that when they are old enough and are doing it privately they are equipped. It’s just like teaching safety and social skills in real life.
As for her being a little mum. It’s time to nip that in the bud. She needs her eyes on her own race, she shouldn’t be parenting her younger sibling.
My kids have no iPads, no xboxes, no technology. You do what is right for you. Ignore want other people allow and do with their kids. My kids have nothing of the sort and they won’t until they are old enough to be working and have a job. I want them living their child hood without all this technology. I am annoyed I have to get them a lap top now due to online learning for isolation but it’s necessary at the moment. That’s all they will be doing though is work on it.