Domestic violence!

Anon Imperfect Mum

Domestic violence!

I never realised till seeing someone that I maybe going through dv but mental abuse not physical. I’ve gone back as he said has changed everything etc but the 6 week honeymoon is over & here I am again! Is there anyone else that is going through or been through this & happy with how life is now? I just feel like this will be forever I won’t get out & I will never be happy again. 🙁

Posted in:  Behaviour

6 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

You will get out and you will be happy. It’s hard work getting there but when you do and you start adding up those days away from him it’s gets better and better.

I’m now very happy, but it took me a few times before I finally left for good.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Thank you. Glad your happy 😊 may I ask how you did it? From DHHS or getting help for emerging accomodation

Anon Imperfect Mum

I spoke to my parents, and they took me and my son in. I told my partner that I was going to stay with my mum and dad for a week because they were feeling unwell.
I applied for Centrelink payments once at mumS and told my ex I was never going back once I was there for a few days. I didn’t speak to him face to face. It was a short abrupt text message that it was done.
It took awhile for payments to come through but I was back paid so I could pay my parents back for food etc.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Great to know your safe & out. I’m isolated in a town I don’t know anyone & I’m 2000ks away from any family or friends so very hard

Anon Imperfect Mum

You’ve gotten out once before and You can get out again. Yes you will need a plan, but you can do this.

Anon Imperfect Mum

It took me 7 years to finslly leave him .. long hard mental drain completely broke me to a piece of nothing and when i said shape up he walked and said it never worked anyhow he was a cheater an abuser and a sexual sadist .. i think and yes it was horrible and i cried for what could have been and what had been but finally when you leave for good . Your ok you do not care or fear for you anymore only of peace as staying would be horrific for you and the kids . I am okay now hurt sad and angry but mostly happy at peace and meeting amazing women who are , in and walking our shoes listen to them they are gossple the truth hurts but telling people comes solace and aknoledgment of the peice of shit u have had to endure .. when he is gone you will be ok and at 1 with yourself again
